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The Way Home Season 1 Episode 9 Recap: The Day The Music Died

Brady and Kat are having a meal out when they see the cops race by. There's been an accident. Colton's truck went off the road, and the driver didn't survive. Elliot is also there.

Kat is recalling that moment while she gets ready for the day. She's got a bag when she goes downstairs. She's planning a spa weekend, and Alice is happy since Kat and Del have been giving each other the silent treatment.

Kat's spa weekend is with Elliot. He sees the bag. They're actually doing this. With just a little time travel on the side, she says.

Kat needs to figure out who her dad was in the time she has left with him, and she doesn't care how many times she has to go back to do it. Next, she's lurking behind some hay watching herself leave for the weekend to go see Brady. Colton wonders when he'll get another weekend with her. He forgot his keys, and when he runs back into the house, she climbs into the back of the truck again.

Elliot remembers Kat telling him she was leaving. Alice drops into the chair by his table, pretending that he doesn't know where Kat is staying for the weekend. Alice is worried about Kat. On her part, Alice doesn't want to go back. She wants to remember the good about Colton, not be haunted by the bad like mom and Del.

Elliot knows that she doesn't want to go back, but he doesn't want her to regret anything, either.

Spencer and Zooey come in. He's got his first catering gig.

Colton arrives at a woman's house, and when Kat walks to the front door, he opens it, wondering if she's coming to join them. He recognizes her from the time she was lurking in the yard. It's a grief support group, and Kat is asked to introduce herself.

Del and Alice catch up with Alice telling her Spencer and Zoey aren't her friends because she's been too focused on what was instead of what was. Del says she is, too, but she's got something to show her.

At the grief group, Colton speaks about everyone giving up on the search for Jacob. He says Del is his rock, so strong, but he doesn't know how to be a husband anymore or a dad. His son is gone, and so is he.

Del takes Alice to the pond. It's ironic that they can take inspiration from a pond that freezes over during the winter to forget about the past.

Colton offers to give Kat a ride back to Port Haven. She soaks in what it means to be beside her dad again. He wants to drop her at the door, but she says she's trying to keep it hidden from her family, something he understands. He offers her another ride next week if she needs it.

He let Kat off right by a newly bolstered telephone pole.

Elliot worries about Kat spending time with Colton. Now, she wants to try to figure out what happened with the accident. Elliot tells Kat what Alice told him about forgetting the past, but she's arriving at her door soaking wet. Knowing the pond freezes over in the winter really spooked her.

In Kat's room, she underlines the passage about not being who she was yesterday in Alice in Wonderland. Then she asks Colton if they can play the song he taught her. He hasn't played since Jacob died. Del comes downstairs, and he's singing the song to her. Alice is practically in tears. When Colton says she has talent, she cries. She's so emotional as she says, "Goodbye, Colton."

She's back on the farm, also soaking wet when Del spots her crying. Alice is so glad she's still here.

Elliot visits the restaurant and asks for a meal to go for two. He remembers when they graduated, talking about how Alice just disappeared after everything. Kat's leaving this weekend, and Elliot is the only one left.

Elliot rushes over to the paper to look in the archives, where he discovers Byron is heading to Marrakesh.

Del and Alice have a girls' night. Del offers to listen, realizing she's not very good at it. Alice says she knows why Del put everything in the basement so she can forget about it. Del suggests they focus on who they are now. Del says how much she loves Alice, and Alice tests out calling her grandma, which washes over Del with love.

Kat tried to get through the pond, but it wouldn't take her. She worries that it could be the last time, but Elliot says it's happened to Alice before. He says they will find answers another way if need be. She trusts him.

Kat is back at the farm, and Colton wondered if she was going to make it. He says he's keeping it a secret from his family, too, and she wants him to tell them. They'll understand.

Colton shares with the group how much he loves Del and wants to wake up next to her again. Then he talks about his daughter. He knows how hurt and abandoned she feels. He says that Kat is everything he wishes he could be, everything that Del already is. He says Rose has encouraged him to share the group with his family, and that if he could spend just five more minutes with Jacob, he'd tell him everything. But we know it's not that easy.

Kat wishes she could open up like he did. On the way home, she tells him she lost her dad in an accident and wants to know what happened or why because the person she depended on the most was gone. It broke everyone left behind in two million pieces.

She tells him about her daughter, and he says the future is our legacy.

Alice spots Kat running through the meadow after her pond trip.

Kat brought something back from 2000. It was the number of the group leader. She wants be there, in the car with her father to see if she can stop the accident. Elliot is adamant that this cannot happen. He can't keep talking about the past. He needs her here, now, in the present. He wants to talk about their future. He needs to be more to her than he was. Just then, Alice comes in, begging her to come home.

Kat gives Del the card. It doesn't make Del happy in any way. She's ready to heal on her own. She thinks of poor Danny Sawyer who was frozen in time, but she was no better. Kat and Alice returning has forced her to confront the past. Kat just wants her to accept the right version of the past.

Del imagines Del asks her to dance. She speaks to him as if he's right in the room with her. He apologized to her, called her home. She was always his home and always would be. Tomorrow, they'll sit down, and he'll tell her everything. But there was no tomorrow.

Alice asks Kat to sleep together like they used to. Alice says it's more than that. She misses her now, her mom. Alice wishes they could go back to that first time and start all over again. They have a lovely night, but the next morning, Kat is back in time again.

It's the night of Colton's death. She races toward the road. The accident hasn't happened yet. She's right beside that monstrosity of a phone pole.

Elliot is scouring the papers of the past. He sees that witnesses saw two women running through the woods. They killed Colton.

She pulls Colton from the truck, saying I love you, daddy. It's going to be OK. He calls her his Katherine and dies.

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