On the beach, everyone is freaking out in the aftermath of Jacob’s abduction. Susana and Kat ask Thomas for the truth, and he reveals he asked Jacob to do a task for him in Upper Canada. He asked Jacob to steal some rum off a British ship, Thomas’s own illegal shipment, mind you, to make money off of his own loss.
Kat is angry at both Thomas and Susana for secrets they cannot undo. They travel to the jail where Kat demands to see him. Jacob isn’t in jail, though.
When Susana tells Kat to calm down and consider returning home to check her history records with the new information they have, Kat recalls Casey talking about the execution records.
Del had quite a nice night with Sam, but her memory of it is interrupted when she gets a phone call about Jacob. The police found a body, and they think it might be Jacob. Alice knows it’s not Jacob, but she can’t say anything.
Alice visits Elliot to give him the news, and he hopes she’s not there for another matchmaking visit.
Del recalls the days after Jacob’s disappearance, as they waited for phone calls, and every one of them bringing hope to Colton that was then dashed.
Elliot tells Alice to keep what she knows about Jacob to herself and not share it with Del. Alice gets a call from Kat, and she and Elliot race off the The Herald.
There was nothing in the archives to suggest Jacob was executed. Elliot and Alice arrive to help her get the paper finished. They want her to concentrate on Jacob.
Kat looks through the polaroids she found under Jacob’s desk. She finds a photo of his red shoes with the Goodwin crest in the dirt before him. It was Cyrus Goodwin who took Jacob, not soldiers.
Kat finds a key with the crest in their basement. She thinks the key Jacob found when he was a kid may help find him now.
Kat thinks that Thomas and Cyrus were in cahoots, sharing the bounty of their rum spoils, but when Thomas wanted more, he turned on Cyrus, and now Jacob is paying the price.
Kat has to go back, even though Alice hopes she’ll stay after Del’s call. Kat is more determined than ever to save Jacob, so she has to return with the key now.
Kat stops for a second to talk with Del, remembering together the calls and how hard it was to get through them.
When Kat tells Susana what she discovered, Thomas spoils the surprise by saying it was Goodwin’s men.
Thomas says he didn’t know it was Cyrus until they went to the jail. Kat is verbally slapping Thomas about his connection to Cyrus and how much she doesn’t trust him, but Thomas takes it in stride. He knows where Jacob is but needs a key, a key that Kat has.
Alice tries to comfort Del.
Del drifts back to awful memories of phone calls before she hears Sam taking away his horse. The idea of losing him strikes her on this day full of Jacob news. The phone rings, and she races inside. It’s a sales call, and she yells at him much like Colton did in the past.
Sam asks if she’s OK. He knows what happened in her past, but she doesn’t have to talk about it if she doesn’t want to. But he’s decided to leave the horse with her, and they decide to share a glass of wine.
Susana decides to occupy Cyrus while Kat and Thomas look for Jacob. She was once engaged to Cyrus. Her father was worried about her marriage status, so arranged the marriage. But then he died, and she broke it off.
During the conversation, Susana says that she and Jacob are marrying out of convenience because Jacob was protecting her from Cyrus.
They argue about how this will all play out. Susana and Thomas have a partial plan, but Kat thinks she’s the third leg. Cyrus will shoot a stranger on sight, so Kat decides to disguise herself.
Alice and Elliot attempt to get the paper out. Alice reads an old paper about an even at Langermore. Kids wrecked the place. Is this THE event that they’re worried about?
Del feels naive for thinking that having the memorial would wipe the slate clean. There will always be calls, but she’ll never cancel the number. It’s the only one Jacob knew, and she wants it available in case Jacob ever wants to call home.
Thomas arrives at the Goodwin house with a bunch of rum. It’s time to poison the human well!
Susana arrives moments later. Despite all the alcohol they’ve had so far, none of them have passed out.
Kat is outside the Goodwill house in a white negligee similar to the one she was running in during the series premiere.
Now I wonder if that wasn’t Kat at all, but Susana.
While everyone is searching the house, Cyrus wakes up. He finds Susana in the tunnels, but she and Kat have plans to mess with his mind.
Kat finds Jacob in a cell with whip marks across his back.
Del gets the call, and she falls apart. She just wants answers.
There’s no way to get Jacob out of here in time now that the men are awake. Kat decides to be the decoy. Thomas says it’s suicide. The only way this works is if Goodwin sees her so that all suspicion is taken away from Susana and Thomas.
Goodwin calls Kat the woman in white, the witch. And he sends his men after her. Kat hightails it to the pond. Thomas is right behind her. The men are catching up. Kat drops the key by accident and jumps into the pond.
Thomas is like, WTF?
A century later, the key is right where Kat left it. Uh, that’s not possible.