Jacob remembers falling into the pond and then just woods. He couldn't find his way home. That's when Elijah and Rebecca found him. He calls Rebecca his mother.
Kat asks if they ever wondered where he came from or if he knows what they did with his shoes. He doesn't know what's real anymore.
Kat shows him the JK he used to write and that was carved into Elijah's table. Jacob can't remember. Thomas and Susana wander up the beach. Kat says she's going to take off, and Jacob doesn't seem to care. It's not the welcome she hoped. He wonders why she didn't come for him sooner.
At the pond, Kat explains to Thomas how the pond works. She told Jacob she'll be back soon, but she has no way to know when the pond will return her again. It could be a day, months, or years until she returns. He promises to keep Jacob save until she returns.
Elliot joins Del and Alice for coffee, also to check on Kat, who returns while they're talking. She's soaking wet, and Del doesn't even want to know.
Elliot, though, does want to know. Jacob was so traumatized that he erased his memories of their family. Susana and Thomas are risking their lives to keep Jacob hidden away.
Nick drops in looking for those coffee beans.
Del and Sam meet out in the fields. He laughs. Is she keeping them a secret? Nope.
Nick wants Elliot to spill about what's really going on between him and Kat. He thought they'd find their way back to each other, but it doesn't seem that way. Elliot wants to renovate the house. It's time he make it his own. Nick offers to help.
When he moves a desk, Nick finds Elliot's journal from 20 years ago. He puts it down.
Evelyn's son doesn't want to sell Lingermore. He wants to buy Del's land for the vineyard. She's not ready to give up on her pipe dream, though. She wants to keep up the farming tradition in a way that benefits the community, but it was turned down. Sam wants to read it.
Noah wonders if Alice asked her mom about that freaky photo yet. And then he apologizes for kissing her. On her way out to the patio, she runs into Nick and thanks him for the advice.
Nick asks Monica if she wants to get together tomorrow. She's on the ghost tour, so he says to count them all in.
Alice looks at the photo again. She covers Kat, who is sleeping on the couch.
Del remembers Colton's dreams about the big dairy farm. If he didn't dream big, he'd never have thought he had a chance with Del.
Kat doesn't want Del to accept the Goodwin's offer. They get into an argument, and Kat overhears, asking if they're still fighting about Lingermore.
Alice wonders again what happened at Lingermore that was such a sore subject. It was after that party that Kat and Del didn't speak for 17 years.
Elliot spots Alice heading to the pond. She asks again, and he doesn't tell her. She thinks she can help fix things. He says there's no point in trying to stop her because he already knows she's going back. He hopes she can forgive him.
In 2007, Alice and Del are arguing. Del wants to sell the farm, but Kat isn't ready. Del wonders why, if she cares so much, she never comes home. Because she doesn't make it easy.
Del is struggling over signing the sales contract, recalling Colton dressing up to visit the bank for a loan. Sam texts her about dinner.
Elliot is shocked to see Alice in the barn. It's been five years, seven since she saw Kat. He hides her before Kat comes up.
Rita is enjoying the hell out of her ghostly tour. Monica hopes Alice isn't getting too hung up on Noah, who is going nowhere. She follows up with whatever happened seems to be over now.
Elliot needs to tell Kat that Alice is in 2007. Instead, Kat interjects herself into Rita's description of the White Witch for dragging her name through the mud. Elliot is like, what??
Then, he gets his opportunity. Alice went back to Lingermore.
Kat can't believe that Jacob has been gone as long as he was with them. She needs a distraction from all of this. When she realizes he's housesitting for Lingermore again, Kat says, epic! It's Halloween weekend! They can dress up and invite the old gang.
Kat tells Elliot she left Brady. While everyone is listening to the tour, Elliot and Kat are arguing. Elliot isn't in the mood to go out after, so Nick invites Monica and Kat to his place.
As happens with any party, it's a free for all. There are kids nobody knows there. kat is dressed as an angel or fairy. She and Elliot lock eyes when she comes down the stairs as if they're in a teen movie. She says he looks very dashing.
Kat and Elliot are on edge.
Nick spots Alice. He recognizes her even behind her mask. When he runs to find her, she's disappeared.
Oooh. Nice martini glasses.
The last time Elliot, Nick, Monica, and Kat were together was Lingermore. Monica apologizes that she shared the Facebook invite publicly, not knowing it would be such a mess. She was bored and 24. She thought it would be fun.
Elliot says it's time fora dance battle between him and Monica. Even when dancing, Elliot never smiles.
Sam has had enough wine to want to dance, and he and Del dance in the living room. Of course, Del flashes back to Colton, cutting the dance short.
Outside, she recalls more Colton.
Lingermore is a mess. Alice happens upon Kat and Elliot talking about Kat's unhappiness with Brady. It's really that Kat's worried her whole life is mapped out, and she won't have any more surprises. And since she just got accepted to a graduate course in London, she's eager to spread her wings.
Kat wonders if she just made the biggest mistake of her life or if this was all supposed to happen. She asks Elliot to come with her. They can start over and be whoever they want to be. He's her best friend. Of course she wants him to go. He wants to leave tonight. Pack their bags and go.
Sam offers Del a check to invest in her dream. It's not a handout. It's a dream that he wants to be a part of. In 2007, Kat offered her a check, too, and she turned it down. Sam tells her not to let her pride get in the way of something good.
Nick gets a call from Claire.
Elliot smiles a little bit and then asks Kat what she's thinking. She's trying to figure out where they stand. It depends on where things stand with the Thomas guy. Elliot wants to know why she talks about everybody else from the past, but not Thomas. Then she gets angry. He doesn't even have the right to ask her about something like that. Elliot is the one who ended them.
Kat and Alice bump into each other at the party. Kat tells Alice that she thinks maybe she and Elliot could be something more. Then Brady shows up at Lingermore. Alice runs into Elliot, telling him that he can't go with Kat to the UK because what will happen to her?
She begs Elliot to let Brady win just this once. He won't miss his chance with Kat.
When Brady and Kat come out arguing, Elliot tells Brady to let it go. In the present, Elliot follows Kat outside, wondering why she asked him to run away to London all those years ago. He needs to know if he's ever going to be her first choice of if he's always going to be her fallback. She wonders how she's supposed to trust him when she had no idea how he feels. She cannot believe that he came home to win her back and never told her.
It's way more complicated than that, but she's sick of it being complicated. He says maybe they're just better off as friends. Is that really what he wants? He rushes forward and grabs her for a kiss.
In the past. Elliot and Brady begin to fight.
Nick grabs paper to write down something about Claire. He'll do anything to make it work. Except then he reads the journal he found earlier, and he rushes outside to ask what the hell?
While Elliot and Brady are fighting, Elliot gives Kat a right hook, sending her flying into the pond. She's passed out and bleeding.