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The Way Home Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: Here Without You

Brady jumps into the fountain to save Kat, while Elliot makes a beeline for home, totally distraught, sure he ruined everything. That’s the night he punched a hole in the wall.

A real story is that Nick and Kat both want answers about the journal. Nick is almost sick to discover that his Alice and Kat’s kid are one in the same.

Del reviews the contract for Goodwin to purchase her land. She remembers when Jacob used to deliver mama mail, and that one delivery was a map of what he’d grow as a farmer and how he’d turn the sinkhole into a big fish tank. Colton reminds Jacob that the pond is off limits to everyone, including them as farmers.

Alice visits Kat in the hospital. Alice is unconscious. She wishes they had just talked, and she wonders why her mom never told her any of this happened or if the rules are actually breaking, and if they are, then what happens to them?

She begs Kat to be brave and fight. She needs to be brave for her. Brady enters the room, and Alice escapes out another door.

Brady tried calling Kat that he was coming, but she didn’t answer. Del sent him the sales contract, and he wanted to look at it in person.

Nick is angry that Elliot let him fall for her.

In the hospital, Kat wakes up, and Alice doesn’t remember what happened. She does remember the party and talking with Elliot about… But that’s the last thing she remembers. Brady saw her talking with some girl, but Kat didn’t remember who it was. The nurse emerges. Kat and the baby will be just fine.

They’re both incredibly excited and happy, and Alice sees it all. Brady asks her to marry him. He will do anything she wants. He just wants her and them. Kat tells Brady she had a dream just now about Alice that made her happy and safe, so if it’s a girl, can they name her Alice?

Elliot was standing behind her with flowers. He leaves.

Elliot tells Kat that Alice was at Lingermore and thought that the rules were all breaking. Kat needs to find her, but the pond has different plans. She emerges from the pond to find Thomas leaning against his tree and Susana not far behind. Thomas struck a deal with Cyrus by offering his services in full to save his life. Jacob emerges, thanks Kat for saving him, and pulls her into a hug.

Alice walks through Elliot’s yard, and he stops her. She’s very angry at him.

Jacob goes home, and Elijah is thrilled, pulling him into a hug and thanking Kat.

Alice is looking for Kat when Brady knocks. He thinks Kat isn’t putting Alice first, and Alice wonders if she even should. Why did they get married, anyway?

Brady says they had to grow up really fast when they found out Kat was pregnant, but it was all worth it. They were reminded of their big beautiful love they wanted to give to her.

Kat and Susana talk about family and being a Landry. Elijah interrupts to talk with Kat.

Elliot finds Nick at the pond. Nick thought they were very close, but it turns out he doesn’t know Elliot at all. It feels really cruel, and he calls out Elliot for enjoying feeling superior, which is much like his father.

Elijah wants to know what happens next, and Kat pulls out the shoe. It depends on what happened then.

Elijah tells her about writing his family information in the almanac, and Kat asks why Jacob wasn’t included. It’s Jacob’s story, and how he came to us deserves more than one line. Every family needs a beginning, a fairytale. Jacob is theirs, and he wrote it there. His baby with Rebecca died, and she cried at the pond. But then a boy appeared, telling her his name was Jacob Landry, claiming that this was his land. She thought God had granted their wish. She only told Elijah she found a boy in the woods. Jacob was near death when Rebecca finally told him, but he didn’t understand until Kat came out of the pond. Jacob overhears the conversation, angry that they knew but kept it a secret from him for 24 years but managed to write it down in his book. He’s the one who tore out the page from the almanac.

Del is looking through the remaining mama mail from Jacob.

Kat and Jacob talk by the pond, and Jacob ultimately says this is where he belongs. Going to the other place, he’d break apart. She can visit whenever she wishes, but that’s how it is. He tells her Del will understand. He’ll make sure of it.

Jacob goes home and writes in the almanac. It’s a letter to his mom letting her know he’s here and he loves her.

Susana wants to know what it’s like where Kat comes from. Susana says it doesn’t sound too different except the women there are more like Kat. Susana wants to go with Kat. They join hands and jump.

They’re back at Susana’s place. It didn’t work. Kat hates that Susana can’t be who she wants to be here. Kat has given Susana friendship, kindness, and inspiration. It’s been a fairytale. Kat wonders how Susana gets her happy ending. Susana is sure she will never find a man she can really love. She realizes that she will never find a man and references Sense & Sensibility. Kat cries. She needs a friendship like this in her time. Susana tells her to go to the fireplace, and their hands will touch through time.

Thomas walks Kat to the pond. She says she’ll be back soon. Part of her heart is here now. He asks if she’d allow him to carry part of her heart in his, too. This is just a goodbye for now.

Upon Kat’s return home, she and Alice have a heart to heart. But Alice doesn’t know why Del and Kat never talked again. She skirts the subject.

The next morning, Alice demands to know what is going on. She doesn’t get an answer. Kat wants Del to quit worrying about what the Goodwins think. She thought it was just keeping her their names out of the paper, but as we surmised, Del kept Evelyn from pressing charges. But Evelyn seems to have another secret, and it involves Colton. It must be nice to have a bunch of Coltons around. NOW she owes Evelyn, as if she didn’t already.

Nick and Elliot talk again, and Elliot realizes he might be more like his dad than he thought. Nick says that he’s nothing like Victor. He has heart and he cares. And he can’t help with the renovation. He needs to get home and get back to sanity. Elliot talks about how much he misses Colton. He was like a dad to him. He thought he’d always be able to express it, but it’s too late.

Brady admits that he was there to take Alice back to Minneapolis with him, but then he saw that bond again. Kat’s a great mom, and he won’t break that bond. He wonders why she never told him about London. Because her whole life was in that hospital room.

In the past, Elliot tries to talk with Kat, but it’s not like old times. She does apologize though, and Alice watches it all.

Kat and Brady are at Del’s house. Del answers the phone and it’s another crank call. Kat couldn’t believe that Del was worried about Evelyn. She pulls out a check. Brady’s mother has given them money to save the house. But if Kat isn’t moving back, she doesn’t want it. Del says hit should have been Jacob fighting for the farm, and that’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Alice races over to Elliots and comes face to face with Nick. They talk it out. I guess this is why he never could find her on Facebook. He used to think he saw her everywhere. Did he? No, unless it was at Lingermore. He only ever thought about himself, but it’s been hard for Alice, too.

Del saved the farm for an Alice she had not met. They will always have this house and the history and each other. Jacob helped her remember that land comes and goes, but family is forever.

Kat apologizes to Elliot about their past. Much like that kiss the other night, it ended before it began. But Elliot wanted that kiss. She says she knows how this story ends and she tried to bring Susana back. If Finn could travel with a Landry, maybe a person could, too. It’s silly. Silly, Elliot agrees.

They talk about the haunted lighthouse and the rattling chain, and Kat bolts for The Herald. The story about the ghost was about Thomas, and he’s set to be executed.

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