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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: Eyes Without Pity

Egwene is dragged into a cell by the collar the Seanchan put on her. She tries to attack but gets launched back.

The woman in charge of Egwene tells her that she will hurt her until she tells her her name.

Egwene is unable to help herself in any way.

Lanfear and Rand have a conversation in the desert, and she releases him from the shackles she put him in.

Lanfear convinces Rand to desert Moiraine so that they may work together, which upsets Moiraine.

Mat and Min arrive in the next town.

Ryma wants the truth, and Nynaeve tells her that Liandrin is a darkfriend. Elayne confirms it as well.

Liandrin comforts her son, and Lanfear visits them. She claims her son is holding her back.

Lanfear kills her son, and tells her there are multiple paths.

Loial is a slave for the Seanchan, and Lady Suroth forces him to sing.

When he sings, a small plant grows in the room they are in, and the other Seanchan's reactions bother the Lady.

Loial has faith in Egwene that she will survive.

Egwene beats the woman in charge of her in her imagination, but when she tries to attack, she's once again prevented from doing so.

She learns a Damane cannot touch any object she believes to be a weapon.

Ishamael wants to make sure that Min makes sure Mat and Rand leave Cairhein together because she saw the vision of Mat killing Rand.

Lan tries to leave Alanna's company, but her Warders stop him. They think Lan is a darkfriend.

Alanna forces Lan to tell them the truth, and he tells her they found the Dragon.

Ishamael confronts Rand in his dreams, but Lanfear sends him away.

Rand visits Egwene in her dreams. Lanfear pulls him out of the dream, and she tells him that Ishamael has Egwene.

Egwene wakes up and calls out for Rand, but no one responds.

Ryma tries to get Nynaeve and Elayne out of the city, but Nynaeve refuses to leave without Egwene, and Elayne takes Nynaeve's side.

Moiraine tries to write a letter about how she's been stilled.

Moiraine's sister confronts her about not being around when their father died.

The letter she tries to write is from Siuan, the Amyrlin Seat.

Siuan's carriage gets attacked, but it is only Lan, who came to tell her the truth.

Rand goes to Logaine for help.

Logaine is impressed by Rand's powers.

Rand sees Mat and decides to approach him.

They embrace each other.

Ryma, Nynaeve, and Elyane try and figure out one of the Seanchan's collars.

Ryma tells of how multiple Aes Sedai died.

Egwene manages to channel powerfully with the help of the woman in charge of her, called Sul'dam.

Egwene cannot pour the water, as she still views the pitcher as a weapon.

Mat wants to go with Rand to Falme.

Mat visits Min in her room, and Min tells Mat that she saw the vision of Mat killing Rand with the dagger in Falme.

Mat figures out that Min has been using him this entire time.

The Amyrlin Seat visits Ciarhein (with 14 Aes Sedai in tow) to demand an audience with Moiraine.

Mat watches Rand from afar, and Rand decides to head out to Falme alone.

Lan appears with Alanna and her Warders, preventing Rand from leaving Cairhein.

Ryma tries to get Elayne and Nynaeve to help with the collar, and Nynaeve gets some of the best advice she's gotten.

Nynaeve used too much power accidentally, and the Seanchan found them.

Ryma sacrifices herself to save Elayne and Nynaeve by weaving in front of the Seanchan.

She and her warder work together to take down some of the Seanchan women, while Egwene's Sul'dam challenges her again to pour the water.

Before her warder can kill Ryma, he dies.

She kills some of the women channelers out of anger and sadness, and she gets collared.

Nynaeve breaks and pours the water for her Sul'dam. She drinks the water herself after the Sul'dam dumps the cup she pours, and cries out in agony.

The woman in the cell next to Egwene is revealed to be Maigan, the sitter of the blue Ajah Ryma told Nynaeve about, and one of Moiraine's colleagues.

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