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The X Factor Review: Who Advanced?

Critic's Rating: 2.5 / 5.0

It was a wild and crazy night on FOX, as a combination of Major League Baseball, the Ben and Kate pilot, five minutes of a Mindy Project episode and just over half of what was supposed to be a two-hour episode of The X Factor aired before the nightly news took over.

Although it may have been frustrating to fight through some of the other material for us X Factor fans, the results we did get to see were pretty entertaining. The teens in particular were fun to watch make it through and/or head home.

Willie Jones and Demi
(Ray Mickshaw/FOX)

It’s much easier to enjoy watching a kid’s dreams get crushed than one of the old geezers because we know that these kids have their whole lives ahead of them and they might get another chance at this. Heck, Arin Ray has had two opportunities on The X Factor in two straight years.

Beatrice Miller was my personal favorite to watch. Last week she was talking about her nerves and how shocked she was that not everyone felt like throwing up. This time she just dramatized everything that was happening to the point that she could have been playing a Summer Roberts-esque character on a TV drama.

The results were cut short, but let’s take a look at who made it through and who was let go at the judges’ houses on Wednesday night…


Diamond White – Made It
Carly Rose Sonenclar – Made It
Arin Ray – Made It
James Tanner – He Gone
Beatrice Miller – Made It
Reed Deming – He Gone

Old Geezers

David Correy – Made It
Daryl Black – He Gone
Jason Brock – Made It
Tate Stevens – Made It
Tara Simon – She Gone
Vino Alan – Made It

Young Adults

Jennel Garcia – Made It
Willie Jones – Made It


We will have to wait on the results of the rest of the young adults and the groups. For now, I will say that the most surprising contestant who made it through for me was Tate Stevens, and the most surprising exit was Tara Simon.

What did you all think? Were you surprised by any of the decisions made by the judges? And did you fall in love with any of the contestants that were lucky enough to make it to the live shows?

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