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This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18 Review: Her

Critic's Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

It's her! It's her! 

After a long wait, we finally learned the identity of the so-called "her" on This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18. There have been a ton of theories floating around about who she is and what exactly is going on with her. 

Well, my theory turned out to be true, at least when it comes to the identity of "her" aka Rebecca Pearson. 

Her (Tall)  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

However, my theory that the Pearson family was going to visit her gravestone turned out to be false. Rebecca is still alive in the flashforwards, but she's not that well. She's not only super old but also very weak and frail. She might even be suffering from Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia. 

The flashforward may have only been five minutes long, but it left us with a lot to unpack and even more questions. Before we get to that though, let's unpack everything that went down with the Pearson clan in the present timeline. 

Related: This Is Us Season 3 Episode 17 Review: R & B

The last time Beth and Randall were under the same roof, things got butt-ugly. Things were said on This Is Us Season 3 Episode 17 that may have fractured their relationship forever. 

A resolution of some kind, whether it be big or small, was all I wanted to see for Randall and Beth by the end of This Is Us Season 3.

Fortunately, I got that resolution and it ended up being much more hopeful than I could've ever imagined. 

Beth: We don’t work when we are apart, but together baby, together we set the world on fire.

🔗 permalink: We don’t work when we are apart, but together baby, together we set the world on fire.

It almost seemed like a sure thing that Randall and Beth were going to separate. The tension had been building for very long, and after the many hurtful things, both of them said to one another, time apart seemed inevitable. 

Yet, I didn't give them or their children nearly enough credit. It was more obvious on "Her" than it has been this entire season, that Randall and Beth's love for each other outweighs all the hardships and negativity they've been managing 

Winning the Lottery  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Their big, explosive fight needed to happen because it opened both their eyes and their hearts.

Instead of brushing their problems under the rug, they faced them head on, and Beth took Randall's place as the fixer and found a solution that will change their lives for the better. 

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It's highly doubtful that they are going to just go back to being the uber-romantic, perfect couple they once were. That's going to take time and a lot of work. 

However, we know that their future is bright. The two are still happily married in the flashforwards which proves that true love does exist. 

Mrs. Fix It  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

I appreciate that Beth figured out a way to make both of their lives better. So many times she's sacrificed what she wanted for Randall, and moving to Philadelphia could have been that again except she thought about her own wants and desires as well.

Moving to Philadelphia always seemed like a simple solution to their issue, but it wouldn't have worked unless Beth was ready to make that leap. Now they can both live out their dream together without having to sacrifice too much along the way. 

Troubled Family  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

The move to Philadelphia will most likely be a difficult one for their kids, more so for Tess and Annie over Deja who has become accustomed to moving. However, speaking from experience, it's much easier for kids to adapt to change than it is for adults. 

Speaking of Deja, we cannot move forward without giving her a round of applause. Beth may have figured things out on her own, but Randall needed a push, and Deja was the right person to push him. 

To Quit or Not To Quit?  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Deja and Randall have always had a strong connection, and I don't think Randall realized how bad it really was with Beth until Deja told him the kids knew about their fighting. 

Deja also reminded him about how lucky he's been, and how he shouldn't let small issues get in the way of his charmed life. 

Deja: You remember a while back when you took me to your dad’s building because you wanted me to sign my adoption papers?

Randall: Yeah.

Deja: You remember when you said that you had everything you were going to say planned out?

Randall: Yeah.

Deja: Well, you’re not the only one in the world who can drag somebody on a long car ride just to give them a big speech at a meaningful location. I lived in this house for eight months while my mom was in rehab.

Randall: Oh wow, Deja I didn’t know…

Deja: Not now, I’m doing a speech.

🔗 permalink: Not now, I’m doing a speech.

Deja's character growth is vastly underappreciated. She turned it around and takes all the crap life throws at her, using it to provide love and wisdom to those around her. 

She's no longer the scared foster girl. Instead, she's a smart, strong young woman who cares deeply for her new family. 

Related: This Is Us Season 3 Episode 16 Review: Don't Take My Sunshine Away 

One family member I'd love to see her connect with more is Tess, who could use some of Deja's wisdom during this time in her life. Tess has been struggling with her identity since she came out to her family.

Thank goodness this story got revisited before the season ended. Tess coming out was a milestone moment for the show, and it's one that should be told in small spurts like it was here. 

I imagine it will be a bigger issue on This Is Us Season 4 when her family moves to Philly. It will either be a great place for her to make a fresh start as she figures out who she is, or she'll resent her parents for making her uproot her life. It's always a toss-up when it comes to teenagers. 

Fortunately for Tess, she will always have her cool Uncle Kevin to offer her some guidance through the difficult times in her life. Kevin's talk with Tess happened to be a turning point in his relationship with Zoe, as it signified that the man is meant to be a father. 

Kevin: One thing that I have learned is that I don’t think we figure out who we are all at once. I think it happens over a long period of time, piece by piece, you know? Okay, take me for instance. A couple of years ago, I get close with your dad, and I found a piece of myself in that. I meet your aunt and I found another piece of myself. Honey, I think that’s sort of how it works you know? We go through life slowly but surely collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can’t really live without until we eventually have enough of them to feel whole.

Tess: And you think that’ll happen for me?

Kevin: Nah, probably not, I mean you’re not that special. Do I think it will happen for you? I know it will happen for you! Tess Pearson, you my niece, have so many years ahead of you to find all your pieces. Now is that corny or did I nail it?

🔗 permalink: Nah, probably not, I mean you’re not that special. Do I think it will happen for you? I know…

While I knew Kevin was always meant to be a father, I was in denial since I enjoyed Kevin and Zoe together. Their strong chemistry allowed them to make serious progress in their relationship throughout the season. 

But both Kevin and Zoe made the right call to end their relationship before it became even more painful for them to split. It's going to be tough for This Is Us to find someone who will have the same connection with Kevin that Zoe had. 

Babysit  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

To say Kevin's previous love interests were a giant mess of awful would be an understatement, but thanks to Zoe, Kevin's become a new man. A more compassionate, kind, and loving man. 

Kevin's son got introduced in the flashforward, and assuming he had a kid the traditional way, a new love interest may be in store for Kevin on This Is Us Season 4. 

Related: This Is Us Season 3 Episode 15 Review: The Waiting Room 

Maybe Sophie's return on This Is Us Season 3 Episode 16 wasn't a one-time thing. The two have proven that they always find their way back to each other. That shouldn't be the case, though.

Kevin grew a lot since their last breakup, and reuniting with her would only minimize all of that progress. Kevin should take some time for himself before he inevitably meets the future mother of his child. 

Who knows? Perhaps that nurse young Kevin was flirting with at the hospital will return to his life even if she'd be about 60 by now. (Hands down one of the funniest scenes of the season). 

Jack Jr.  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Jack Jr.'s future is also looking quite bright, as he finally left his incubation pod and got sent home to live a normal baby life with his mom and dad. 

Before that could happen though, Kate and Rebecca had one of their typical squabbles that, thankfully, ended quickly. 

Kate: I want you to be here for me, but even more for Jack. I want my son to grow up with that Rebecca Pearson level magic too.

Rebecca: I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.

Kate: Mom, can I just apologize in advance for being triggered by everything you’re going to say and treating you like a punching bag for the next year or two?

Rebecca: That’s fine. It’s what I’m here for.

🔗 permalink: That’s fine. It’s what I’m here for.

Their brief spat wasn't too significant, but it did connect with both the past timeline and the flashforward now that we know Rebecca is "her." 

Jack has been labeled Superman since we started following the lives of the Pearson family, but Rebecca has quietly been a Wonder Woman to her kids, as well, but it was never fully appreciated. 

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Her car accident and separation from her kids for only one day proved the amount of work she did on a regular basis. The Pearson kids wouldn't have as many magical memories if it wasn't for her, and being there for them to this day has been a secret blessing to them all. 

Where's Mom?  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

That's why whatever's going on with her in the flashforward is having a profound impact on the entire family. It seems like she is very ill and close to death. 

Perhaps, they are all gathering together at Kevin's house to give doting mother Rebecca Pearson one last hurrah. She deserves it after everything she's put up with because of them. 

Yet, there were so many details shared throughout the flashforward that left many questions. What's going on with Kate and Toby? Are they no longer together? 

Visiting Her  - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 18
(Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Also, why was Nicky the one at Rebecca's bedside and not Miguel? Did Miguel die? 

These questions will probably get answered in small doses throughout Season 4, but either way, This Is Us created excitement for what lies ahead.

21 Times TV 'Ships Broke Our Hearts

What did you think of "Her"? 

Which flashforward reveal surprised you the most? 

How excited are you that Randall and Beth reunited? 

Are you devastated to see Kevin and Zoe call it quits? Who do you think is the mother of his child? Is it someone new or someone we already know? 

What do you think is going on with Kate and Toby in the future? 

What do you hope to see on This Is Us Season 4 (assuming it gets renewed)? 

Let us know in the comments below, and if you need to catch up, make sure to watch This Is Us online right here on TV Fanatic! 

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