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Transplant Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Hospital Beige

Amira and Rania videochat with Saleh in Syria when Bash returns from his workout.

Saleh tells Bash he and his fiancee are emigrating to Germany. Bash cautions him to be careful.

Bash and Rania are both seeing other people.

Theo runs into a former patient, Siobhan. She's returned for a kidney transplant.

The widow of the pilot killed in the chopper crash wants to meet Theo but he's uncertain.

A woman peeling off her clothes meets Bash. She seems high on something.

Lily, a patient in the cardiology study, claims her ICD went off but there's no record of that occuring. Dr. Fisher is dismissive of her symptom.

Shay calls June with another problem. She needs a bank draft instead of a personal check for her tuition.

June volunteers to send a money transfer to Saleh for Bash because she wants to escape from Singh, who's covering in Trauma OR.

Bash's mystery patient is named Krista and there's ketamine in her system.

Bash discovers a pulse in Krista's abdomen.

June is feeling the weight of running Trauma OR in Novak's absence but Singh has no sympathy for her.

Mags is starting to have doubts about moving to cardiology.

Krista has an abdominal aortic aneurysm and she opts for surgery against her husband Tavi's wishes.

Krista screams and passes out then Bash and June rush her to surgery.

Theo approaches Jenny, the wife of Matt, who was severely injured in a motorcycle crash.

He's attempting to get Matt designated as an organ donor. But she responds loudly and negatively to his suggestion.

Without much cajoling, Bash gets pulled into Krista's surgery to assist against Dr. Devi's wishes.

Despite Theo's earlier mistake, June offers to take another run at getting Jenny to donate Matt's organs.

Singh offers to help June get Trauma OR up to speed.

SIobhan is going to get Matt's kidneys.

Singh approaches Devi about having Bash train as a surgeon to support June in Trauma OR. Bash enthusiastically agrees to the idea.

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