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TV Ratings: Chicago Fire Rises With Season Finale; So You Think You Can Dance Slumps

NBC's Chicago trifecta wrapped their latest seasons in winning fashion on Wednesday night.

Chicago Fire concluded with 6.8 million viewers and a 0.8 rating — a rise vs. its most recent episodes.

Chicago Med (6.2 million/0.6 rating) and Chicago P.D. (5.8 million/0.7 rating) both concluded in steady fashion.

Casey Returns - Chicago Fire
(Adrian S. Burrows Sr./NBC)

NBC will keep Wednesdays unchanged in the fall.

The Dick Wolf dramas will continue.

Practical Pratt -tall - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 22
(Lori Allen/NBC)

Oer on CBS, the three-hour finale of Survivor managed 4.8 million viewers and a 0.7 rating.

The series rose in total viewers but was steady in the demo.

There was nothing unusual to report for The Flash (0.6 million/0.1 rating) and Kung Fu (0.5 million/0.1 rating), which were both on par with their recent ratings.

Over on FOX, Masterchef managed 1.7 million viewers and a 0.3 rating.

Zhilan interrogating - Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 3
(Katie Yu/The CW)

So You Think You Can Dance dropped off in its second week, pulling in a lowly 1.2 million viewers and a 0.2 rating.

ABC aired The Great American Tag Sale (2.8 million/0.3 rating) and The American Rescue Dog Show (2.1 million/0.2 rating). 

What did you watch on the night, TV Fanatics?

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Barry Allen - The Flash Season 7 Episode 5
(Katie Yu/The CW)

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