B and S Brawl

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Blair is completely playing it off (please, she knows why Serena's asking her) when Serena asks about Chuck! Then Blair gets really defensive when Serena questions her judgment.
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Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 9: "Blair Waldorf Must Pie!"
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Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Serena: What's Chuck doing today?
Blair: Why are you asking me?
Serena: Well, you guys are friends. And, Blair, you know you can tell me anything. I'd be the last person to judge anyone.
Blair: With good reason.
Serena: Blair, I saw you with Chuck.
Blair: [pauses] I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, sleeping with him once, maybe I could understand. But twice?
Serena: Wait, you slept with him!?
Blair: Shhh.
Serena: Blair!

Serena: You and Nate get back together?
Blair: You mean, since Gossip Girl published pictures of him and some skank?