Brothers & Sisters Diagnosis

Aptly, the October 4, 2009 episode of Brothers & Sisters was named "Breaking the News." That's exactly what happens in this clip, as Kitty is diagnosed with cancer.

Clip from Brothers & Sisters

Kitty tells her mother about her condition in this scene from Brothers & Sisters. It's courtesy of the episode "Breaking the News."

Brothers & Sisters Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Kitty: What if you're only here because I have cancer?
Robert: I am here because I love you.

Nora: Scotty what's going on with all this baby stuff? What are you feeling? Why are you so afraid?
Scotty: Oh, I don't know... my mother, the things I grew up hearing. I mean two gay dads... if it's a boy who's gonna teach him to bait a hook?