Bill emerges from Abigail’s Cafe in a very good mood. It must be the power of the Hot Springs.
Nathan is trying, unsuccessfully, to train Scout.
Bill goes to Neds to get an order.
Rosemary recognizes that Elizabeth is nervous about her family visit. Rosemary only makes her more nervous. Rosemary is surprised that Lucas is, unexpectedly, nervous.
She calls Lucas presentable and takes her leave.
Agatha coldly greets Lucas, which she proclaims a joke. He needn’t take her so seriously. She does remark to Julie about the odor. Horses on the frontier, Julie says.
Lee is thrilled about a phone call. Rosemary has things to go over with Elizabeth and her family about the wedding. She knows that if left in their hands, they’d have her arriving in a golden carriage, so she will be there to protect Elizabeth’s interests.
Cooper wants to know why Bill is always at the hot springs but he can’t go.
Nathan visits Mei for a refill on pain relievers for his shoulder. They’re from a doctor other than Faith, which Mei notes. He went all the way to Benson Hills so he didn’t have to talk to Faith? Why aren’t they acting like friends?
Elizabeth loves one of the dresses that Rosemary shows, but when she shows a cloche hat, Elizabeth shuts it down. Elizabeth tells her family she likes Rosemary’s idea, and they say that’s all that matters.
Bill s swimming in the Hot Springs when Mei, Faith, and Fiona arrive. They were told the waters were dangerous.
Lee is no longer optimistic about his proposal after hearing a competitor’s bid. He wants Rosemary to listen to her body, and her body is telling her to go with Lee, and for Elizabeth to come with her.
The girls enjoy their picnic, making Bill uncomfortable in the water.
Minnie, Molly, and Florence are also sharing coffee and cookies. They’re all discussing their dip in customers, and Florence notes the bandits, too.
Lee’s meeting isn’t going well. Elizabeth doesn’t feel right about listening in to the meeting, but when the guy turns Lee down, Rosemary steps in to take it to the next level.
Nathan and Faith run into each other, dismayed looks on their faces. Faith really messed that up.
Faith has information on the springs and why they might be helping Bill. Fiona wonders about tourists. Bill overhears, and isn’t into it. But they all need the surge in business. Faith wonders why she would want to stop others from benefitting from the springs’ healing powers.
Lucas offers Agatha a lovely dinner, and what she wants is a real game of cards. Five card draw. You can learn a lot about people playing poker.
Julie and Elizabeth have time to catch up. Julie is in school in London where there are lots of dashing men but none worth keeping. Their father thinks her art is just a phase. Elizabeth disagrees. When they discuss the wedding, it comes out that the family wants the wedding in Hamilton since mother cannot travel.
Her parents thought is they got married in Hamilton, Lucas would fall in love with the life, accept a job with father, and return to the fold.
Agatha is trying to draw Lucas into the fold using a different tactic. Lucas folds to put an end to the game and the discussion. He had a winning hand.
Elizabeth unloads all of her frustration on Rosemary. Rosemary wonders if Lucas might accept such an offer, and Elizabeth is confident until she’s not.
Bill, Lucas, and Lee discuss strategy for Henry’s defense. The only problem is that Henry isn’t there.
Mike asks Faith if she’d like to visit the Hot Springs with him. He’s still very interested in her, but she doesn’t seem to catch his drift.
Bill finds Henry, and he accuses Henry of sabotaging himself.
Nathan checks with Mike about incoming ginger beer and learns Faith is on the road alone. Nathan takes off, just in time, since Faith is currently being robbed by a bandit without a gun. She makes a move, and Nathan catches her as she falls out of the carriage. She doesn’t want him to accompany her, but he’s going anyway.
Agatha remembers when Elizabeth was fresh out of school and frightened for her first job. Agatha pushes the Hamilton angle, suggesting Lucas may not be happy in Hope Valley.
Henry’s first hearing takes place. When asked how he pleads, Henry pleads guilty, much to Bill’s dismay. Henry says it’s his call.
Elizabeth and Lucas take a walk, and Lucas senses she wants to talk about more than Henry. Before Lucas gives his definitive no to Lucas, Mike calls him in to discuss turnips with Gustav.
Lucas wants the guy to go easy on Henry, but the guy has no such inclination. Henry cost everyone a lot of money, so he deserves to be behind bars.
Bill isn’t pleased about the picnic lunch to the Hot Springs for Aunt Agatha and Julie. Molly and Minnie just laugh him off.
Finally, everyone arrives at the lovely area housing the hot springs. Someone brought a chair for Aunt Agatha. Seeing the town together offers a different perspective for Elizabeth’s family.
As the group discusses Faith’s need to visit other towns for rounds, Mike is ready to offer his services when Florence nominates Nathan, and it’s settled.
Lee got a two-year contract with the client. Score one for the amazing couple!
Lucas, Lee, and Rosemary discuss the idea of a tourist destination. Lucas thinks Cooper should name it since he found it. Hope Springs.
Elizabeth tries to help Agatha understand how much Hope Valley means to her. Agatha wonders if she’s asked Lucas, and he popped around. He says while he’s eager to visit Hamilton, Hope Valley is their home, and they will not be leaving.
Before she leaves, Agatha reveals that she came her to persuade Elizabeth her place was in Hamilton, and instead, she was persuaded that it is not. She urges Elizabeth to hold on to her second chance at happiness with all she’s got.
Hope Springs Eternal is already in the paper.
When Elizabeth and Rosemary talk later, Elizabeth wonders why Rosemary never talks about her family. Her mother left when she was very young. She wonders if maybe her mother was never meant to have children. Her father more than made up for it, but she can’t help but worry that she might be like her mother. Elizabeth assures her that she’ll be a wonderful mother.