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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 1 Recap: When Stars Align

Whe Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 1 started with a bang — literally. Actually, it started with two bangs as it opened with Lucas Bouchard being shot shortly after winning the race for governor. 

It was a dramatic start to the season as Elizabeth and Sheriff Bill Avery made their way to Capitol City to see Lucas,  who was in pretty rough shape after losing a lot of blood. 

Fortunately, Lucas woke up before too long and it was apparent that the new governor would make it through and have an excellent recovery. Yay! 

Four months pass since the opening scene, and we see Elizabeth writing in her journal, where she informs us that Nathan Grant has been on assignment and absent the entire time while searching for Lucas's shooter. 

The day's newspaper delivery informs everyone that the shooter, Pike, has been captured and taken into custody. A job well-done from Nathan and the authorities — so we think. 

Naturally, Elizabeth and Rosemary have their own friendly banter and times together, where Rosemary expresses her frustration that the Valley Voice got scooped by another newspaper when it came to breaking the news about the shooter. 

The other character's plotlines are still in action. We see Lucas recovering, Mae Sou and Mike Hickam having lunch together, and learn that Fiona is staying in Nashville with the Suffragettes and won't be returning to Hope Valley. 

Nathan returns to Hope Valley and is almost immediately attacked by Rosemary — metaphorically, not literally. She wants an exclusive interview for the Valley Voice and won't rest until she gets it. 

There's also some awkward moments between Elizabeth and Nathan, and it's clear that these two have some unfinished business to discss at some point this season. 

One major change this season is Elizabeth's hair, as she tells Rosemary she wants to try something new and go for a new 'do. 

Back with Lucas in Capitol City, he is recovering well and able to stand from his wheelchair. He's also tracked down Henry Gowan and offers him a job, but Henry refuses, as he's certain that Lucas doesn't want a convicted felon working for him. 

In Hope Valley, things aren't quite as they seem. 

Nathan meets up with Bill, who seems to be in agreement with Nathan: Neither thinks that the real shooter was caught, and since Lucas can't remember who his shooter was, it's hard to say if Pike really was the actual shooter or not. 

At the same time, Rosemary and her husband Lee are on the phone with Lucas and it's revealed that Lee sold Lucas a chunk of timber land for a special project. Rosemary inquires if Pike's picture has stirred up any memories in Lucas's brain, but he says he doesn't remember. 

We're not so sure that he's telling the truth, and he may be protecting someone from legal troubles if he's lying. For now, we have to wait and see how this pans out. 

Meanwhile, Faith is mourning the fact that Fiona won't be returning to Hope Valley and working as the town's doctor. Mrs. Watson and her granddaughter, Lily, come in to the clinic, where it's revealed that Mrs. Watson has a bad cough. 

Shortly after her initial visit, Mrs. Watson collapses in the mercantile and Faith comes to the rescue, getting her transferred to the cardiac unit of a hospital to ensure that she is treated well and can heal properly. 

Elizabeth and Rosemary were hard at work getting Elizabeth's new look ready, and when Elizabeth debuts her short hair at the saloon, everyone is head over heels with her new "modern" look. Nathan especially takes a long look at her, a hint that things aren't over between the two of them. 

Some smaller moments in the show happen as well, with Goldie, Rosemary and Lee's daughter, taking her first steps.

Faith becomes responsible for Lily while Mrs. Watson is in the hospital, which could be for weeks or months of recovery time. 

Finally, Lucas makes a radio announcement that he's investing in the Territorial Fund, a fund used to build and create tourist attractions in the area and bring more money to the public. 

His first plan of action is to build a hotel and resort on the land that he bought from Lee, starting his new plan right in Hope Valley. 

The episode ends with Elizabeth, Rosemary, Lee, and their families looking at the night sky as they watch for the planets to be visible next to the moon. Nathan and Ally join them, bringing together the whole crew for a night of fun. 

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