As Romemary and Elizabeth walk to town, Rosemary shares that Nathan's birthday is coming up. Meanwhile, Nathan tells Allie not to make a fuss, and she suggests fishing and having a picnic lunch.
He gets the wrong idea when Elizabeth mentions a casual gathering for his birthday and thinks Alie is throwing him a surprise party.
Bill, Lee, Mike, and Rosemary are on a group call with Lucas. They all agreed the resort should be in Hope Valley but weren't prepared that Lucas planned to sell the hotel and saloon. Mike is worried about his job, while Rosemary is concerned that Lee will be busier with new jobs.
Lee and Bill discuss who should buy it before Mike joins them and shares how he's been making profits with the food.
Nathan tries to assess if Allie is taking him fishing or is planning something and acts suspiciously.
Rosemary gets upset when she learns Randall Rockwell got another scoop before her and printed Pike's confession in the paper. As Rosemary vents to Elizabeth, Allie joins them and inquires why her dad is acting weird.
Elizabeth admits that Nathan thinks Allie is throwing him a surprise party, so Rosemary eagerly volunteers for Elizabeth to assist her, promising that the entire town will attend.
Mei continues to avoid Mike, and he begins to wonder why. Faith adapts to caring for a young child with many questions and energy.
Rosemary gets angry when Lee forgets their lunch date and barely listens when he tries to explain his investment idea since it'll mean more time apart.
Rosemary catches up with Bill and finally gets him to admit that he thinks someone else was involved in Lucas's attack, but he doesn't have proof. She's worried because Lucas could still be in danger.
Both Elizabeth and Joseph welcome Henry back, who seems more at peace and is caring for the trees near the schoolhouse. When Allie and Angela tell Elizabeth they have an idea for the birthday invite, Minnie offers to bake the cake, and Molly offers to help, too, so Elizabeth agrees.
At home, Faith realizes Mei is down. She admits she's scared things are getting serious with Mike and that she hasn't done well since her last relationship.
Nathan gets suspicious after Florence and Ned don't know anything about the party and only about his present from Allie.
Lee returns home and tries to appeal to Rosemary, who thinks he doesn't want to share an office with her. He assures her that he only wants to buy it and have Mike run it. He still wants to spend time with the family.
In parallel scenes, Lee, Rosemary, Bill, and Henry try to discern the missing pieces and confirm that something doesn't add up.
The next day, everyone goes over their party assignments just before Nathan walks up. He guesses about the party, and Elizabeth explains the mix-up, still calling it a small gathering. He promises to act surprised.
At Faith's, she and Lilly are adorable, but Lilly has many questions about her grandma and who will take care of her.
After spending the day together, Nathan and Allie arrive at the saloon. He's shocked by how many people are there but handles it well.
Lee tells Mike the new bosses realize he's the real asset, so Mike is relieved that Lee and Rosemary are buying the saloon and hotel. Mike goes to talk to Mei, who admits her fear, and then he invites her to dance.
Elizabeth finds Nathan outside. They share a moment and then hear singing, which they thought was for him, but Lucas has arrived.