On Christmas Eve, everyone is happily celebrating, but a kid goes missing. Wynonna goes to investigate the scene and discovers a lot of blood. She meets a Purgatory firefighter named Charlie, who helps her. Charlie notices that the trees are not native. Later, Nicole discovers a flower at the scene that helps them.
Michelle finally tells Waverly about her father, Julian. Waverly decides to go to Bobo to learn more after discovering that Bobo was there on the day of Waverly's birth.
Wynonna and Doc go to ask Kate about vampires and first families, and she reveals that vampire can't kill first families because Bulshar needs them for something. Wynonna and Doc are still on uncomfortable terms beause of Kate.
Charlie, Wynonna, Doc, and Nicole go to investigate slaughterhouses after discovering that Bulshar is holing up in one of them. Charlie and Wynonna burst in on one and rescue the people held there by Bulshar, including Robin.
Nedley finally retires and hands over the reigns to Nicole.
Michelle goes to Bobo and asks him to tell her where Juiian is in exchange for getting out. Wynonna hooks up with Charlie, while Doc goes to Kate to help her and ask what she needs.