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Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: Old Souls

The finale starts with a fascinating flashback. A bride kills her groom and then herself.

The same wedding dress that the murderous bride wore is revealed to be Waverly's dress.

Wynonna wants everything to be perfect, including the wedding cake, which isn't vegan.

Rachel and Nedly are planning a fishing trip!

Wynonna gets hypnotized or entranced by the wedding dress and puts it on, which causes a myriad of terrible events, including the cake exploding.

Wynonna runs to Doc and reveals that she is stuck in the dress and literally cannot remove it. There is no zipper.

Waverly arrives at Doc's trailer, and Wynonna hides inside. Waverly asks Doc to be his best man while giving him his old and restored saddle.

Dog figures out from Waverly where she got the dress from, and Wynonna and him head right over.

It's a very creepy boutique, and the shop owner is a creepy woman. She sings to them what is going to happen.

She reveals that unless they find some bugs, the only way to stop the dress is to kill the person in the dress.

Jeremy accuses a man of being a demon. He is not a demon.

Nicole and Waverly find the wedding dress is gone and determine that it must be haunted.

Wynonna finds out that Doc is leaving her through a note that she wasn't even supposed to read yet. She is obviously pissed.

Nicole and Waverly are investigating, and they determined it is definitely a "haunted" or cursed dress.

Wynonna yells at Doc, and they both accuse each other of being cowards.

Jeremy walks in on Nicole and Waverly doing the nasty, which prompts Waverly to leave and hunt the woman.

Doc and Waverly bring the creepy shop owner.

Waverly runs in and attacks the shop owner, and they manage to get the dress off Wynonna.

Waverly tries to comfort the woman and refuses Wynonna's offer to kill the shop owner. Waverly has a new (beautiful) dress, and Wynonna starts getting emotional.

Nedley and Nicole have an emotional moment, where she asks him to walk her down the aisle. Cue the wedding, cue the tears.

Wynonna walks Waverly down the aisle. Rachel is attending of course, and Jeremy is officiating.

Jeremy gives a beautiful speech about love. Nicole gives her very emotional vows. Waverly gives her very emotional vows. Nicole tears up, and so does Jeremy.

The camera pans out to reveal nametags all of the chairs are people that have left them, either by death or by location. The chairs reveal Dolls' name. Billy is there too!

Rachel gives a small emotional speech and performs a beautiful song for their wedding. Jeremy catches the bouquet in a small montage of happiness.

Rachel wants to bring Billy on the fishing trip.

Rachel's song is still being performed in the background of the scene, and it really is beautiful.

Doc leaves the wedding, and Wynonna and he have a moment of eye contact.

Doc leaves, and Wynonna thinks it'll be forever.

Jeremy and Damon make up, and Jeremy gets a phone call telling him that he is now the Deputy Director of their division of Black Badge!

Wynonna chases after Doc and confronts him. Doc and she have a very emotional heart-to-heart that leaves Wynonna in tears. She is trying to convince him to stay, but he refuses. Wynonna stands, crying in her dress, as Doc drives off.

Nedley likes Britney Spears.

Everyone is chatting with Wynonna about refusing Doc.

Waverly comes in and swears at everyone for trying to keep her there, thanking her for staying, telling her that their relationship is toxic.

Waverly runs into Wynonna's place and packs her stuff up. Waverly wants her to go, that she KNOWS Wynonna loves him.

Wynonna's truck breaks down. So she decides to take the motorcycle. Wynonna shoots doc's wheel out.

Wynonna and Doc approach each other and she professes her love for him. They kiss, solidifying that she will join him on the road.

Wynonna looks genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.

Wynonna and Doc are on the road, and she promises that she's all in.

Wynonna and Nicole are sitting admiring the homestead under the sunset. They both express their love for each other, and for their home.

The camera pans to the mailbox… "Earp, and Haught, sometimes Holliday, everyone welcome."

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