Emotions ran high in the possible series finale of Wynonna Earp.
Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 12 sees something we Earpers have waited years for — Waverly and Nicole's wedding.
That's right, Wayhaught shippers (so, all of us), the wedding finally happened, and the tears could not have flowed heavier.

The flashback at the beginning of the episode implied that not everything was going to be perfect. That happened to be correct. The way they added in one last mystery, one last Earp case, was excellent.
Waverly's (first) wedding dress was gorgeous but haunted. Two separate teams were working on the case, which offered such exciting parallels. Waverly and Nicole worked on the dress's historical impact, while Doc and Wynonna try to break the curse.
Doc: Where did you buy your wedding gown? Jeremy and I are looking to procure matching cummerbunds.
Waverly: Aw! I got it at this adorably quaint little boutique down on Hogback Road.
Wynonna: Did she say quaint or taint?
🔗 permalink: Did she say quaint or taint?

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Both pairs played to their strengths. We got to see Waverly's nerdy research side in action one last time, and we got to see badass Wynonna and Doc working together again too. As for Nicole, we got to see the supportive girlfriend and fantastic detective skills.
Eventually, their paths crossed. As Wynonna and Doc confronted the dress seller, Waverly burst into the room and attacked the woman. I was happy to see one last mystery for them to solve.
The show had always dealt with the more significant plot lines, but the case-of-the-week shenanigans are always fun, and this case no different.

Everybody's story arc reaches some climax at the wedding. Of course, the marriage takes center stage. To Wynonna, the wedding needed to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong at her baby sister's wedding. Her love for Waverly has never faltered.
Having witnessed that love stay strong until the very end means a lot. Their strong bond persevered throughout so many hardships, and seeing them experience true happiness was beautiful.
Wynonna: The bride-to-be is vegan.
Nicole: Yes.
Wynonna: Buttercream is not vegan.
Nicole: Nope.
Wynonna: Ergo, Waverly can’t eat her own wedding cake!
Nicole: Meh. What if we just didn’t tell her?
Wynonna: This isn’t a secret wife, Nicole. This is the matrimonial icing!
🔗 permalink: Matrimonial icing
Although tears filled much of the hour, the humor we all have come to love in this show still made an appearance. I love seeing Nicole and Wynonna's dynamic. They grew so close over the years, and their quips never fail to put a smile on my face.
Jeremy also had some hilarious moments during this episode and some beautiful dramatic moments that made a character often left in the dust of others shine tonight.
Even though the humor remained, the dramatic moments took center stage. The wedding, filled with emotions, was breathtaking.

Everything from the vows to the tributes to past characters was perfect. The part that made me the most emotional was seeing the empty chair with Dolls' nametag on it. The best part of the chairs?
Family is forever for the Earps — it fits perfectly that Waverly would want to have her entire family there. No matter what.
After the wedding finished, Rachel sang an emotional song that got the waterworks running (again). She sang about true love, including family love. This show, at its core, was about found family. Jeremy, Nedley, Nicole, Doc, Dolls, Rachel, and so many more became Earps.
Waverly and Wynonna's love for each other spread to the rest of their found family and never ceased.
The wedding also dealt with an emotional goodbye. Wynonna and Doc had been at odds for nearly the whole season. Doc wanted to move on, and Wynonna did what she always would. She chooses family. Doc left the wedding, and Wynonna chased after him.

The culmination of all the raw emotions running in both of their veins for the entire season came out during this episode. An intense confrontation and multiple emotionally charged conversations transpired between the two.
The emotions that Melanie Scrofano and Tim Rozon portrayed were hard to watch but so well earned. Nedley had one of the most touching scenes with Nicole, and it would be a crime not to mention it.
Nedley walked into the Earp house and came upon Nicole dressed in her (gorgeous) wedding outfit. In a moment that Katherine Barrell heartbreakingly portrayed, Nicole asked Nedley to walk her down the aisle.
The chemistry this case has had since the beginning has been unmatched. Greg Lawson's Nedley cared for Nicole throughout the entire series, and this scene was no different. Nedley had been like a father to Nicole, and seeing him walk her down the aisle was the icing on the cake.
The tears that Nicole had during this scene seemed so natural, and it was a scene I know only Barrell could have performed with such power.

The set and costuming at the wedding were as impressive as any other episode that this series has presented. The wedding dresses, Nicole's suit, the flowers, Jeremy's suit, and the entire homestead looked completely wedding-ready.
Jeremy officiating the wedding was a wonderful touch, and I'm so glad he was featured in a big way this episode. As previously mentioned, Jeremy often gets forgotten. Jeremy had gone through so much during this season, and he deserved a happy ending.
Thankfully, showrunner Emily Andras gave him a hopeful, satisfying ending. Thank you, Emily, for not leaving our little Jeremy out to dry.
He deserves everything happy and presenting a potential new love interest and a new position at Black Badge for him was the perfect way of finally giving him emotional closure.

Rachel also got emotional closure. She is getting close with Nedley, and it seemed like she's becoming another surrogate daughter for him.
The steadfast love that Nicole and Waverly have for each other was the driving force behind this episode. You could feel their love every time they were on screen together.
Waverly: First wedding massacre, in 1922. Ah! A Ms. H, left at the altar, killed her guests
Nicole: Well that is a terrible way to be dumped on.
Waverly: Awful enough to want to destroy every future wedding in town?
Nicole: Baby, if you left me at the alter, I would fuck shit up. I might kill Nedly!
Waverly: Nicole!
Nicole: I’m kidding! I think.
🔗 permalink: I’m kidding! I think.
Every character got a happy ending. None of the conclusions were perfect, they all had much-needed flaws, but the happiness was genuine. Wynonna looked truly happy for the first time when she chose to go with Doc.
She had always been happy with Waverly and her family, but the love she held for Doc needed to come out, and when it did, she finally could be satisfied.
Nicole got the ending she always wanted, to feel like she was home. She finally had an official place she could call home — on the homestead with Waverly.

This was the perfect finale. If this happens to be the final airing of any new Wynonna Earp, I would be okay. Of course, I want to another season. Of course, I want to see more of our beloved characters. But if this episode happens to function as the series finale, I am incredibly grateful.
I'm grateful to the cast of this show for bringing it to life, Emily Andras for being an incredibly creative mind, Beau Smith for creating Wynonna and this beautiful world, and the rest of the crew for putting their heart and soul into every single episode.
Mostly, fellow Earpers, I am grateful for you.
The community that this show has created never ceases to amaze me. Home is what we make it, and Wynonna Earp has been our home these four seasons. I know that no matter what becomes of our favorite show in the future, we will all be Earpers for life.
Home. #WynonnaEarp pic.twitter.com/OBbPk4kH3l
— Emily Andras (@emtothea) April 10, 2021