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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Music, the Expression of the Soul

We're introduced to Zoey, the protagonist of the show, a quirky and socially awkward computer coder living in San Francisco. 

After she's exposed to a strange occurrence during an MRI she's left with an ability to hear the inner song-alogues of those around her. 

Initially, she's intimidated by strangers randomly breaking out into song and dance, but upon seeing her coworker crush Simon's sad emotional Mad World rendition she realizes that most of the inner songs people are singing are about loneliness, desires, and sadness. 

This new skill forces her to face her own inner demons as her father is suffering from a rare neurological disease causing him to lose the ability to communicate and move. 

She figures she can use her ability to connect with others on a secret emotional level and provide solace to those who don't know how to ask for help. 

While also finding her own journey and path for how to navigate her emotions toward her father's recent change in health.

In the end, the mood is lightened a bit when her friend Max completes a love ballad number for Zoey, unknowingly expressing his love for her. 

She's left speechless and doesn't know how to process the newfound information. 

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