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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: Zoey’s Extraordinary Outburst

As Zoey's father's condition continued to worsen she decided to push her feelings down deeper. Instead, she processed other feelings and maybe not in the best way. 

She started the day happy knowing that Simon had broken up with Jessica but didn't know if feeling happy was necessarily the best emotion to be feeling. 

After she arrived at work she saw Max moving the last of his things up to floor 6. She confronted Joan about her relationship with Leif after Leif sang his heart song about being in love with Joan.

The 6th floor had a bake-off with the 4th floor to see who could complete the Chirp code the best and in time to present to their founder. 

Simon invited Zoey over for dinner and she heard him sing Mad World and realized that he hadn't moved on yet and she wasn't ready to start a relationship with him.

The next day Simon disclosed that his mom was getting remarried and Zoey thought he wasn't grieving fast enough. 

Max fought with Zoey about not feeling properly appreciated on the 4th floor and he pledged his allegiance to the 6th floor. 

When she visited her father she noticed he was groggy and Howie told her he had given him sleeping meds and she yelled at him. 

To feel better, she invited Simon over to try and sleep with her, but he wouldn't allow that to happen and instead, they got into their first real fight. Mo intervened and made them dance out their feelings. 

The hour ended with a beautiful love ballad between Maggie and Mitch during their anniversary night that Zoey and David prepared. 

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