In the season finale, Zoey woke up hearing an ominous song and was worried about everyone and what might happen.
Mitch was in better condition and everyone else around her seemed to be doing all right.
In Zoey's words, the day turned out to be a good one.
She chatted with Mo about his love for Eddie and his heartbreak. Mo went to Eddie's to discuss the situation and they ended up getting back together.
Joan was asked by Danny Michael Davis to temporarily oversee everything at SPRQ Point while he's figuring out the mess of lawsuits.
When Danny Michael Davis arrived at the office, Zoey convinced him to let Max come back, although to her surprise Max denied the position.
He told her he wanted to move up rather than back and he needed to find a new job.
This led to a heavy make-out session, but his heart sang too many songs that Zoey had to stop a few times.
Simon shared with Zoey his feelings of jealousy of Max and explicitly told her his feelings toward her and that he wanted to do things right by their relationship.
It looks like her love triangle added a few more complicated layers.
Mitch's chipper condition was the calm before the storm, as his unfortunate demise came. The family spent the rest of the hour mourning his death.