Ben Warren was an anesthesiologist at Grey Sloan before he decided that he wanted to become a surgeon. He went through his residency again before deciding that he wanted to pursue another avenue of saving lives after some controversial choices she made as a doctor.

He eventually became a firefighter, which took him to Station 19. He also often serves as a paramedic because of his medical background.

He got a medal of honor for his heroic save of individuals in a rehab house fire.

He may reconsider his job again in order to honor the agreement he made with his late colleague Dean Miller's parents when he settled with them for custody of Dean's daughter, Prue.

Ben Warren is married to Miranda Bailey, the chief at Grey Sloan Memorial.

Ben Warren has also appeared on Grey's Anatomy.

Ben Warren Quotes

Cop: With no witnesses, it's he said/he said.
Ben: And you believe him?
Cop: That dog looks pretty scary. We gave him a citation for discharging a firearm in a residential area. If there are any more witnesses next time --
Ben: So you're just going to wait until someone is actually injured or dead next time before you do anything. Got it.

Warren: Are you going to be okay?
Sullivan: It's not me losing his job.
Warren: No, I mean are you going to be okay that you're the reason she's losing hers?

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Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.