JJ: Emily practicing discretion isn't a lie. It isn't a lie. It's good leadership.
Luke: You still didn't answer my question. If it was dangerous, would you want to know?

Voit said it's a site on the dark net. Something called BAU Gate. It involves pictures and memes of this team in deep fake pornography. He also said you knew about it.


Goddamn. It's an anagram for my name.

JJ [typing a password]

I knew it! I knew you were one of the good ones, working against the Deep State!

Brian Garrity

The only thing I'm doing right right now is keeping that monster as far away from my girls as I can.


Voit: Does it bug you?
Luke: Does what bug me?
Voit: Does it bug you that your entire team is smarter than you?

Elias: What's a lingual artery?
JJ: It's a very precise place to cut someone. It's not something you teach an assassin.

Prentiss: Detective, assemble your officers. We are ready to deliver the profile.
Rossi: No, we're not.

Prentiss: You never would have done that to Hotch. Never.
Rossi: Alright. Convince me. Give me your profile.

Garcia: Oh my God. What if they both die?
Luke: Penelope, I don't know. Maybe if we lean on each other, we'll have the strength to get through this together.

Bailey: The Attorney General has granted me full authority in this matter.
Elias: Of course. Because by math, there's only two people who know about it.
Bailey: Only you and me. [he gets a bullet between the eyes]

Rossi: It's my time.
Krystall: Yes, David. It's your time to live.

Criminal Minds: Evolution Quotes

The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live. -- Norman Cousins


Agent Rossi has forgotten more about serial offenders than we will ever know. The Bureau is lucky to have him leading the BAU.
