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Meredith has sex dreams about DeLuca and Jackson.

Maggie, Jackson, and DeLuca wake up hungover at Jackson's and decide to walk to work. While crossing the street they are almost hit by a car but DeLuca pulls Maggie and Jackson out of the way.

A biker near them is hit instead. They treat her and the driver and go with them to the hospital.

Teddy backs out of interim chief after going to Owen's and finding out he lives with amelia and Leo. She tries to avoid seeing the others and wants to leave but she bumps into owen and amelia.

She has a nerve issue in her leg so gets checked out by Maggie. She swears Maggie can't tell anyone about the baby because of Hippa.

Tom reminds amelia of how awful she was to Owen but also tells her to fight for him if she means it. She finally tells him how she feels. They want to make it work again

Richard's patient who came in with a foreign object in his rectum refuses to admit what he needs to his wife. Carina explains why men do it. While doing the surgery, a fire is set because it was hairspray. DeLuca saves Roy. The patient dies on the table.

Cece the driver is a matchmaker. She tries to get meredith to consider being matched up. She wants to stay with the biker until her parents get there.

The new Ortho handles the biker. He keeps bumping into meredith and it leads another sex dream.

Jo spends her honeymoon coming up with a new idea.

Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 1 Quotes

She's in Seattle and she doesn't call?


Meredith: DeLuca, what are you doing here?
DeLuca: Whatever you want. Dr. Grey.
Jackson: Morning.
Meredith: Jackson, what? No. You're with Maggie.
Jackson: Yeah but it's just a dream so it doesn't count.