Hike Gone Wrong - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8
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Owen and Teddy go camping. They meet up with a nice family.

While camping, the daughter falls down the pit and the father goes in after and ends up injuring himself.

OWen and Teddy have to treat the man down in a cave.

The interns have to prepare for their tests while also getting into the OR for the first time, and they all have different reactions to that. Blue is doing practices in the lab again.

Simone tries to talk to Lucas to ease her nerves, but he's being cold with her again.

Amelia and Monica are working on a young patient together who has reservations about the procedure. She takes off and Winston tells them. But they find her with her friend.

Mika is annoyed that she doesn't get to participate in the surgery with Dorian.

Link works with Blue helping him with the operating on the lucky sock bit.

Owen and Teddy finally get the father to Grey Sloan along with his daughter. They operate on the father together. So much for their day off.

Mika is annoyed with Helm because Helm isn't taking it well that Mika asked for space, and she keeps taking it out on the other interns.

Dorian's surgery isn't going well and he starts to code. Lucas gets preocuppied trying to revive him and they have to remind him to move to use the paddles.

Bailey keeps getting higher and higher with the charge,but Dorian still isn't revived.

Jules is crying and emotional because she hasn't gotten any of her practice questions right and fears that she's going to fail her MCAT.

Mika offers to help Jules study.



Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8 Quotes

Stop talking, I'm thinking.


Caroline shouldn't have to travel to reach a doctor who treats her with respect.
