The Resident News

The Resident Season 6 Episode 11 Review: All In

The Resident Review: All In

Conrad breaks the news to Cade about kissing Billie, and things get awkward on The Resident Season 6 Episode 11, while Leela is reeling from news about Padma. Our review!
Posted in: The Resident
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2022's Worst of TV

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2022's Best TV Dynamic Duos

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The Resident Details

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Julianna Guill

The Resident Quotes

She's schizophrenic. She needs to accept it. Please, don't fill her head with a bunch of a false hope.

Mrs. Ravenscroft

Bell: I know, I'm as upset as you are.
Devon: Not a chance. I saw it. I lived it. I'll never forget it.
Mina: Same day we save a mother and son, who by all rights should not have survived, a young healthy woman dies.