21 of the Best Kisses That Never Happened

Ruining the moment is a sure way for a show to frustrate their viewers. We were so close, yet so far! Which "almost kisses" had you yelling at your television screen?

13 TV Relationships That Came With an Onscreen Shipper

Shipping isn't just for fans. When a couple is truly meant to be, they always have an onscreen cheerleader who's just as invested in the relationship as we are!

19 Tough TV Characters With Squishy Soft Sides

People are never as tough as they come across no matter how much they try to act like it. We created a list of seemingly tough characters who are actually the softest.

29 TV Characters Who Look Good in Orange

Some TV characters are guilty, some are innocent, and some have been framed. But the one thing they all have in common? They can impressively pull off an orange jumpsuit.

19 Insignificant Relationships We Barely Remember

Do you know those characters who show up for a quick romance and are never seen again after it's over? Honestly, we often forget that the relationship ever happened.

13 Oddball Couples We Never Expected to Love

Television has a good way of creating romances we never could have seen coming. They shouldn't work, but they do. What unexpected ships surprised you?

13 TV Couples That Were So Bad Together It Made Us LOL

Many TV romances are epic. Others are dumpster fires. That doesn't mean we can't enjoy laughing at the bad ones! Here is the TV couple make us LOL the most.

23 TV Characters Who Were Secretly Crushing on Their Friend

Who doesn't love a little pining when it comes to television romances? Check out 23 characters who tried (and usually failed) to keep their feelings on the down low.

21 TV Shows to Make You Forget About the Real World

The real world is a stressful place, but lucky for us there are TV shows that can take us away from our everyday woes. Here are 21 to help you forget the real world.

23 Ships Almost Everyone Can Agree On

No matter what fandom you're in, people are always going to like different things. Mostly. We put together a list of ships that are universally loved by fans!

33 Greatest Ships in Sitcom History

No matter what year you were born, you've experienced that one hilarious couple that you couldn't stop rooting for. Check out 33 of our favorite ships from sitcoms!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 23 Times Jake Peralta Set an Example for Men Everywhere

Whether he's supporting his wife, advocating for women's rights, or taking a stand against homophobia, Jake Peralta is the character we've been waiting for.