17 Endgame 'Ships We Love With Endings We Hate

We may be happy our OTP ended up together, but that doesn't mean we're happy with how it went down. We created a list of 17 ships we love with endings that we hate.

31 Couples Who Inspired Each Other's Inner Comedian

The best couples are always the ones who can make each other LOL no matter what's going on around them. Find someone who you can laugh with during the apocalypse!

17 Shows that Aged like Fine Wine

Shows either shine brightly throughout their entire airing, or fizzle out and continue beyond their glory days. Find out which TV shows stayed strong until the very end!

17 Times Labor Went Above and Beyond the Pain

Even when they're in labor, female characters can't catch a break. Check out 17 times TV decided to make giving birth even more complicated.

19 Characters Who Had Too Many Love Interests

Sometimes keeping track of other people's love life can get downright exhausting. Can you think of a character who needed a break from their search for romance?

21 Male Characters Who Couldn't Take No for an Answer

No means no. What is there not to get? We created a list of 21 male TV characters who seem to have trouble grasping this very basic concept.

17 Unpopular Opinions in the TV World

Not all TV shows leave the fanbase in agreement. We've assembled a compilation of some unpopular opinions that may infuriate you. Did we touch a nerve?

27 Young Old Married Couples

To be an old married couple, all you really need is some light-hearted banter and excessive concern about the other's well being. What about your favorite 'ships?

13 of the Best Love Epiphanies of All Time

Realizing you love someone, and being able to say it out loud are two completely different things. When did your favorite ship finally come to their senses?

17 Incredibly Awkward Sexual Experiences

Is sex always sexy? Sometimes yes, but the first time, not always so much. Take a look at these times when television went there with the awkward first time.

31 TV Characters Who Really Enjoy Food

Food can be a pleasure on multiple levels whether you partake in a feast or are the chef. Here are 31 TV characters who enjoy a good meal or take pride in preparing it.

11 Declarations of Love That Slipped Out By Accident

As much as we want them to, love confessions don't always happen at the right moment. Check out 11 times someone accidentally dropped the L-bomb!

HIMYM Quotes

Barney: Lesson one, lose the goatee, it doesn't go with your suit.
Ted: I'm not wearing a suit.
Barney: Lesson two, get a suit. Suits are cool, exhibit A. [points to his own suit] Lesson three, don't even think about getting married til you're thirty.

Lebanese girls are the new half-Asians
