American Crime Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Scared Straight

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What an interesting turn of events.

As we heard into the final stretch of American Crime, it comes as no surprise American Crime Season 1 Episode 9, would be filled with an array of twists and turns. People finally started to get their acts together and life changing revelations were made – it was definitely an explosive hour of television.

Let's discuss tonight's episode.

Barb gets credit for at least getting trained on how to properly use the gun she bought. It won't do her any good for protection if she doesn't know what she's doing and what she is essentially capable of doing; though you could tell she wasn't entirely comfortable using a gun.

At first I wasn't sure about Nancy and her motives, but tonight she really showed how much she cares about Barb's well being and she truly wants to help her. Barb needs to open her eyes and she how special Nancy's friendship really is.

Thankfully Nancy voiced her concerns about Barb owning a fun with Russ and she made a compelling argument for why people ultimately commit suicide – even using her own story as proof it can happen to anyone.

The scene between Barb and Russ was enjoyable to watch and it provided a clear picture of how they used to be as a couple. Barb finally treated Russ with a little bit of respect, but she still maintained her justified anger. Barb needed to hear her life isn't terrible and she was a great mom to the boys, despite what she may think. 

Who else was disgusted by the photos Russ found of Matt? It paints a pretty clear picture of who Matt was and possibly how psychologically messed up he was. Barb has been wanting to paint a picture of Matt being this wonderful man who did no wrong, but Matt had demons. Russ burning the photos isn't going to erase the memory of seeing his son in such a terrible light, but I was OK with Russ being the one to find the photos. 

Edgar's death was pretty surprising and you have to wonder what made him finally snap. Unfortunately, a tragic death had happen for Tony to realize the path he's on is the wrong path. Tony finally opened up to Alonzo and they now have a better understanding of each other -- this is exactly what Tony needs in his life right now and hopefully he's able to put his life back together. 

Speaking of Alonzo, he has really proven himself tonight by going to great lengths to get Tony out of the juvenile facility and get him a lawyer who can actually make it happen. Alonzo selling the business, while sad to watch, was a huge step in the right direction, but I hated how the guy took complete advantage of him in his time of need.

While Hector's dream of having a normal life with his girlfriend and daughter is lovely, he's a fool to think he could actually obtain said goal. At this point, Hector has proven time and time and time again he isn't reliable and he can't be trusted. 

The whole conversation about Aubry's mom and Aliyah was interesting because someone is finally doing something about this whole Carter/Aubry relationship which has proven to be toxic for the both of them. Was it right she went behind Aubry's back? No, but can you blame her for going over her daughter's head to try to get her the help she desperately needs?

She needed to go to see Carter and convince him he needs to let Aubry go so they both could get a chance to actually live.

Tom has made me so angry with his hateful attitude and I'm behind Eve completely. You can't keep focusing on what happened in the past and you need to accept where Gwen is at right now. She needs the support of her family, she doesn't need someone who's going to constantly put her down or act as though she's a burden.

When Tim dropped off the letter for Aubry, you knew it wasn't going to end well. Carter finally made the right decision about breaking it off with Aubry, but it was still hard to watch as Aubry came to the realization Carter doesn't want her anymore.

Of course the most shocking moment came when Aubry admitted to being the one who killed Matt and injured Gwen; though you have to wonder if she is telling the truth. This is something many have suspected, myself included, since day one given the violent nature she has shown.

By the end of the episode, Aubry was able to put together a rather compelling story of what happened and her story actually adds up with everything the investigators have already uncovered – plus she's able to put herself near the scene of the crime; though she is trying to claim she only shot Matt because she feared for her life and given the photos we saw earlier in the episode, it's clear he did have a violent nature.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Do you Aubry is telling the truth? 

You still have time to catch up before the season finale. Go watch American Crime online now via TV Fanatic.

Next week on American Crime Season 1 Episode 10, Aubry's confession takes center stage, but will it be enough to get a conviction? Hector's lies come back to haunt him. Tony prepares for his hearing with his family firmly by his side.

Episode Nine Review

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Rating: 3.5 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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