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Events at the school unfold in shocking fashion as Hulk Chucky fights with Good Chucky.

The kids go to bat for the good version of the doll, who manages to outmaneuver the bad version.

Jake and Devon have conflict about how to proceed with the mission against the doll.

Lexy and Devon go off on a mission alone to the middle of nowhere. They find Andy strung up and Colonel Chucky messing with the dolls and Andy.

The psychiatrist is a part of the meeting, making it clear that everything is connected.

Lexy flushes her drugs down the toilet at the request of Nadine.

Tiffany tries to get tips to outsmart Meg by speaking to Jennifer, who feeds her a lot of lies about a movie.

Tiffany uses it and Meg knows it's a lie so Tiffany rushes to attack the doll but is shocked when Meg walks in.

Meg is killed by Tiffany and Glen starts to realize the truth about their existence.

As dreams get worse, Tiffany shows them the doll and they all embark on a mission of self discovery.

Tiffany burns down Jennifer's house, sending things in a very different direction.

Where are thet headed?

We don't know.

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