The Mysteries of Laura News

The Mysteries of Laura Details

The Mysteries of Laura is an adaptation from a Spanish television series titled Los Misterios de Laura. The series is considered a procedural comedy-drama and stars Debra Messing in the title role.

Laura Diamond is a homicide detective with the New York Police Department who is also a single mother to twin boys. Laura is also in the middle of trying to divorce her husband, Jake Broderick, but things get sticky when he becomes her new boss. Jake wants Laura to give him another chance but since the reason that they are divorcing is because he cheated, Laura wants none of that!

Laura’s partner Billy Soto provides advice to her as well as helps Laura solves some tricky cases. Billy is definitely the more level-headed of the two and he doesn’t jump to conclusions like Laura does.

Meredith Bose is another detective that works in the department and she has a dislike for Laura and the way that she handles the different cases. Meredith is a closet gamer and is obsessed with fashion; she also has no patience for kids. Max Carnegie is the lovable intern that Laura hired to help out and he proves extremely valuable to all of the detectives.

Number of Episodes
Start Date

The Mysteries of Laura Quotes

I need to find a preschool for criminals.


You were determined to get revenge and you did.
