New Amsterdam News

New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 11 Review: Falling

New Amsterdam Review: Falling

After the tease of a Helen return, New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 11 delivers a predictable and underwhelming installment leading into the series finale. Our review!
Posted in: New Amsterdam
2022's Most Annoying TV Characters

2022's Most Annoying TV Characters

Sometimes the characters are beyond "love to hate." These are the ones who got on our nerves and were the most annoying. Find out who made it onto our 2022 list!
Posted in: Elite
2022's Worst of TV

2022's Worst of TV

It can't all be good. Whether it's episodes, plotlines, characters, or series, we've put together a few of our least favorite things about TV this year!
Posted in: New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam Details

Number of Episodes
Start Date

New Amsterdam Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Mina: Is this the guy you were dating.
Helen: What, no...
Max: Quick question, did you say were dating?