Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 7 Review: The Butterstick Tab

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It was a busy week for Lemon Breeland as she confronted the woman who abandoned her.

She not only did that, but she also met her half-sister and FINALLY got on the same page as Lavon.

Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 7 was an emotional one for Lemon.

Jaime King owned tonight's installment. She brought so much depth to Lemon's situation with her mother.

I was thankful she wasn't mad at Brick. The father-daughter moments they have are wonderful. You can tell he did his best to love his daughters so they didn't feel an absence of love from their mother.

Still, it's hard for anyone to accept that their mother would leave them. When Lemon confronted Alice, she didn't want to forgive her. She wanted her to know what it felt like to grow up feeling abandoned.

Do you have any idea what it was like to grow up without a mother? Sometimes I would pretend that you were dead so I didn't have to live with the fact that you chose to leave us.


I still don't buy Meredith Monroe as Lemon's mother. It doesn't help that they put way too much makeup on her in an attempt to age her.

Despite Alice's pleading, it seems Lemon doesn't want anything to do with her, or listen to whatever excuses she has for leaving all those years ago.

I am happy that Lemon and Magnolia are going to get to know their half-sister, Scarlett. She's a sweet kid, and her world just got rocked by all this new information about her mother.

This episode also made me love Shelby. She can try too hard to get Magnolia and Lemon to like her, but she does it for the right reasons. Her conversation with Magnolia was very straight forward and mature.

I realize you don't like me. Can't say that I would feel any different if I was in your boat. But I love your father, and a part of making him happy is loving his daughters. So I am gonna love you, Magnolia. Despite how very difficult you make it.


Annabeth and George continued to be adorable during their first date. It pains me to say this because I hate lazy writing, but these two work well as a couple. I can't help but want them together now. 

The only logical next step would be deciding on their couple name:

Annaorge? Georgeabeth?

You guys let me know!

They also got the seal of approval from each of their respective exes. This is great considering Lavon and Lemon are headed toward coupledom.

Lemon's got a lot going on with her family, and Lavon couldn't be more understanding. I think he was just happy Annabeth approved and Lemon had been on her way to tell him.

Lavon hasn't always said the right thing at the right time, but his little speech to Lemon was perfect.

I understand. Okay? Look, I'm the last thing you should be worrying about right now. And Lemon Breeland, I am all in. I'm yours, and I will wait. I promise.


I'll be thrilled when they finally get together for real.

Interestingly, the only aspect that didn't work for me in the episode was Zoe and Wade's storyline. It's not that it was bad per se, but it felt more like an eye-roller.

Has Zoe not seen how Wade talks to women? It shouldn't be shocking that Wade is a natural flirt. I get her wanting to curb his flirtatious habits, but she shouldn't have expected a complete turnaround.

I think Wade flirts innocently enough. He's so in love with Zoe, I doubt he would risk losing her. You would think he learned from cheating on her the first time. Wilson Bethel plays Wade in a manner that comes across as sweet rather than douchey.

So over to you guys! What did you think of the episode? What's the verdict on the Annabeth/George couple name? Should Lemon forgive her mother? What are your predictions for Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 8?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on any missed episodes when you watch Hart of Dixie online via TV Fanatic!

The Butterstick Tab Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (24 Votes)

Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

I mean, I realize us dating each other's exes is stranger than a three-legged dog in a horse race, but that's BlueBell, right?


Zoe: What is our son gonna think? That he can shirk all his grown up responsibilities by batting his lashes and getting some woman to do it for him?
Wade: Well it is the Kinsella way.