Marcel: Do you know how he did it?
Maggie: He had a handgun.
Marcel: I know how he felt, but I didn't have a gun. I lost a child too.
Maggie: I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
Marcel: Harper. She died of leukemia just after her first birthday. The thing that kept me going was my work. It was always my work. But sending Colin home knowing he was going to die... it brought me right back to that helplessness, that powerlessness. Nothing I could do. Death was coming and there was nothing I could do.

Archer: A word of advice: only food goes in your stomach.

Sharon: I just don't want to burden you.
Dennis: Burden me? You must not think a lot of me if you think I'd be burdened by your problems.

Cop: Shackles stay on.
Ripley: Why? He's not going anywhere.
Cop: Don't let him fool you. That guy is a cold blooded killer and one son of a bitch.

Hannah: I can easily imagine you and Sully getting up to no good.
Ripley: How much no good might surprise you. Look, I was an angry kid. I did some time in juvie, lots of mandated therapy... all of which is to say, if I haven't completely scared you off, I really like you.
Hannah: I'm not concerned with who you were. I like who you are.

Colin's father: If he doesn't get this liver, I'm afraid he won't be here long enough to get the next one.
Marcel: I will make sure your boy gets that liver.

Daniel: You okay?
Sharon: I knew Bert had been losing a step, but I never imagined it would be like this.

Bert: Make sure you get the dog out.
Firefighter: We didn't see any dog.
Sharon: We don't have a dog.

Hannah: Significant lesion on the lung. You think it's cancerous?
Ripley: I'm pretty sure. I tried to get him to go for treatment a few weeks ago, but it didn't go well.
Hannah: I'm surprised Lynne didn't say anything. Wait... she doesn't know?
Ripley: I tried to get him to tell her, but he kept dodging, so I backed off.
Hannah: I don't get it. He's your old friend but you can't sit him down and have an honest conversation with him?
Ripley: What am I supposed to do? He's my patient. I have to honor his desire for confidentiality.

Trauma is all about mile markers. When to resuscitate and when to go to surgery. WHen to keep stitching or pack and bail out.


Jay: I don't need a psychiatrist.
Charles: Okay.
Jay: You're only gonna tell me what I already know. That I have depression.

Maggie: Thanks for the coffee. How much do I owe you?
Loren: Nothing. Least I can do, considering you saved my life.