Eureka News

Who Is the Best Father on TV?

Who Is the Best Father on TV?

Whether he's traditional or unorthodox, married or single, an ex-con or a fairy tale prince, cast your vote for this year's Best Dad on TV.
Posted in: Bones
Eureka Review: Anchors Away

Eureka Review: Anchors Away

Can Jack and Allison escape from a sinking sub before they drown on Eureka? Find out in our review of "In Too Deep."
Posted in: Reviews
Eureka Review: Never Say Never

Eureka Review: Never Say Never

Can Jack figure out why things are going wrong during a disaster drill on Eureka? Find out in our review of "Worst Case Scenario."
Posted in: Reviews
Eureka Review: Jack'ed In

Eureka Review: Jack'ed In

Can Jack and Henry trust Beverly Barlow to help save the crew of The Astraeus on Eureka? Find our in our review of "Force Quit."
Posted in: Eureka

Eureka Details

Eureka centers around a secret residential development in a remote area of the Pacific Northwest. This neighborhood aims to protect and nurture the country's most valuable intellectual resources.

The population of this town is rather unique, as you might expect. The city itself also cannot be found on any map. Eureka tells the stories of intellectuals and the science-fiction events that befall them.

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Joe Morton, Erica Cerra, Neil Grayston, Niall Matter, Jordan Hinson, Chris Gauthier

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.