Leland: Will you promote her?
The Manager: No. She's a woman.
Leland: Give her something.
The Manager: Move her up to the executive floor. Put her in a corner office.

Father Ignatius: So it's attacking the congregants?
Ben: Yes. That's what's weird.
Father Ignatius: THAT's what's weird?

OK. You answered the werewolf question. Good job. Now answer the next one. Why are robots attacking us? That's a question I never thought I'd ask.

Father Ignatius

Kristen: I wanna go back to normal.
Andy: What's normal?
Kristen: Kids, family, home; no ghost moans coming from the walls or nuns trampin' around looking for demons. I want you to go bowling with your buddies.

Your eggs and my sperm -- destined for each other from the beginning. In 38 days, a child will be born who will need his mother's milk -- his genetic mother. Mary of Bethlehem, they will sing hymns in your honor. The mother of the living anti-Christ! [Kristen laughs in his face]


So, they scientists, they want us to prove they're not opening the gates of hell?


Did you ever wonder why The Omen skipped the infancy? Because that's the real horror.


I'm fine. There's no black hole growing inside my head.


Ben: OK. So, what? Just, what, ignore the weirdness?
David: The world is weird.

I think God keeps revealing himself, and after a certain point, you have to acknowledge it.


Laura: I think Leland has our dad.
Ben: Why do you think that?
Laura: Because we texted his computer when dad's boss called from Everest, and we heard the text ring call from his zoom call. We need to get my dad.
Ben: Yeah, um, why don't you go to sleep? We'll talk about it.

Ben: You know what I do when I can't sleep?
Laura: What?
Ben: I stay awake.

Evil Quotes

Acosta: The Church has a backlog of about 500,000 requests for exorcisms and miracle appraisals, and my colleague Ben and I are hired by the Church to investigate unexplained phenomenon and recommend whether there should be an exorcism or further research.
Kristen: I didn’t know that was a job.
Acosta: It is.

Kristen: Why did you give my therapy notes to a serial killer?
Townsend: You’re in way over your head, Ms. Bouchard. Why don’t you leave this to the professionals?
Kristen: Who are the professionals?
Townsend: Your boy toy Acosta, Leroux, the Sixty.
Kristen: Who are the Sixty?
Townsend: People who know who you are, now. Hey, that session No. 37 was a juicy one, wasn’t it? ‘I just want my daughters gone so I can have my freedom.’ Just say the word Kristen, and ‘Poof, they’re gone.’ No one blames you, no guilt; just four little caskets.
Kristen: Go to hell.
Townsend: With pleasure. In fact, I’ll make room for your daughters.