Shrinking News

Shrinking Season 1 Episode 4 Review: Potatoes

Shrinking Review: Potatoes

Check out our review of Shrinking Season 1 Episode 4, as we discuss Jimmy confronting Liz about interfering and Paul's struggles sharing his diagnosis.
Posted in: Shrinking
Shrinking Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Fifteen Minutes

Shrinking Review: Fifteen Minutes

On Shrinking Season 1 Episode 3 Jimmy witnesses Gaby in a compromising situation. Paul advises Alice on how to deal with her grief while facing a loss of his own.
Posted in: Shrinking

Shrinking Details

Apple TV+
Number of Episodes
Start Date

Shrinking Quotes

I'm going to take a bath. I moved the TV in there so I can watch movies.


Gaby: Do you know what percentage of yourself is actually water?
Paul: I know what percentage of me doesn't give a s**t.