Timeless News

These TV Shows Ended Too Soon

These TV Shows Ended Too Soon

These TV shows did not get the time to craft a proper conclusion, and for that, we got a rush job or no closure at all. Check out the list, TV Fanatics.
Posted in: Daredevil
31 TV Characters Who Really Enjoy Food

31 TV Characters Who Really Enjoy Food

Food can be a pleasure on multiple levels whether you partake in a feast or are the chef. Here are 31 TV characters who enjoy a good meal or take pride in preparing it.
Posted in: 30 Rock
13 TV Fathers Who Celebrated Too Soon

13 TV Fathers Who Celebrated Too Soon

Congratulations, TV Dad, the child you longed for or at least begrudgingly tolerated the idea of is -- Wait, nevermind, it turns out this child is not yours after all.
Posted in: Dynasty
21 TV Characters Who Are Crafty AF

21 TV Characters Who Are Crafty AF

Crafts will never die, and TV characters are on our screens doing their craft by whatever means necessary. Here are a few characters who knit, sew, bake, embroider, and woodwork on television.
Posted in: The Handmaid's Tale

Timeless Details

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Start Date

Timeless Quotes

Wyatt: What's April 14, 1865?
Lucy: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

She just lost her sister, give her a damn minute!
