The Brat Pack: Pack or Ploy?

The Brat Pack: Pack or Ploy?

A journalist in the 1980s applied the term "Brat Pack" to a group of up-and-coming young stars. But were they a pack, or was the whole thing a ploy?
Posted in: Demi Moore
Rob Lowe: Brat Pack to Backpacks

Rob Lowe: Brat Pack to Backpacks

In the 1980s, Rob Lowe was branded a member of the Brat Pack, a group of young movie stars taking Hollywood by storm, but he has since shed the bratty reputation.
Posted in: Movies
When Going Off the Rails Makes Excellent TV

When Going Off the Rails Makes Excellent TV

When shows run for multiple seasons, they typically digress from their original structure. Sometimes, this ruins the series, while other times, it makes for TV gold.
Posted in: AMC