Seinfield Reunion on Curb Your Enthusiasm

There was a Seinfeld Reunion on Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry's Signature Pose - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry David's signature pose is recognizable to all Curb fans.

Larry Goes to Jail - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Taking a chip off the Seinfeld block for the Curb finale

Jeff and Larry Golfing - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Jeff and Larry go golfing with Vince Vaughn in Curb.

Larry Plays Pirate - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry dons an eye patch in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

J.B. Smoove on Curb - Curb Your Enthusiasm

This is a picture of J.B. Smoove on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Larry David and Vince Vaughn - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry hangs with Vince Vaughn in the final season of Curb.

The Ex Looks Confused - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Confusion abounds on Curb Your Enthusiasm, as can be expected.

I'm Wearin a Suit Here - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry dons a suit in the penultimate episode of Curb

Things Come Full Circle - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Things come full circle for Larry David on the Curb series finale

The Elevator Pose - Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry affects the elevator post in Curb Your Enhusiasm

Larry eats cake

Larry David eats cake in the "Meet the Blacks" episode of Curb

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"