Marcus: The Knights did amazing things a long time ago. What's their relevance today? Are they doing right now?
Ysabeau: You're Grand Master. That's for you to decide.
Marcus: If I'm in charge, I want to shake things up, use the Knights to make a real difference. We should be looking foward, not backward.
Ysabeau: Don't tear down the establishment without finding out how it was built or understanding its principles.
Marcus: Baldwin wants the Knights to badly.
Ysabeau: He always has. He needs to feel close to his father.

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A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 4: "Lot 42"
A Discovery of Witches
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A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Phoebe: So, is there anything else i can help you with?
Marcus: You can come to dinner.
Phoebe: I don't even know you.
Marcus: Come on. I don't bite.

Marcus: If the baby does turn out to be a witch, you're going to need protection from the Congregation.
Nathanial: Screw the Congregation. Aren't we breaking the covenant already by living with a vampire?
Agatha: Daemons giving birth to witches would be unheard of. Sophie's birth may have gone unnoticed, but the granddaughter of a Congregation member would not.