Marcus: If the baby does turn out to be a witch, you're going to need protection from the Congregation.
Nathanial: Screw the Congregation. Aren't we breaking the covenant already by living with a vampire?
Agatha: Daemons giving birth to witches would be unheard of. Sophie's birth may have gone unnoticed, but the granddaughter of a Congregation member would not.

Phoebe: So, is there anything else i can help you with?
Marcus: You can come to dinner.
Phoebe: I don't even know you.
Marcus: Come on. I don't bite.

Marcus: I can't believe you don't like '80s music! Some of the best music EVER was made in the '80s!
Phoebe: Yeah, I could see you in a Duran Duran video.
Marcus: Yeah?
Phoebe: You have got the hair for it.

Gerbert: I was worried that your love for Matthew might have blinded you.
Ysabeau: What do you know of love?

Gerbert: Philippe devoted his life to the de Clermonts and the vampire species, always ensuring that the interests of one served the other. Thanks to your son's choice of mate, these interests are now in direct conflict. I know he and his witch are hiding somewhere in time. But what are they planning?
Ysabeau: You traveled 800 miles from Venice to ask me that? Next time, send an email.

Marcus: I don't really know where to start.
Phoebe: Whatever it is, just tell me. It can't be that bad.
Marcus: I'm a vampire.
Phoebe: Come on, Marcus.
Marcus: Phoebe, seriously. I'm hundreds of years old. You catalog history; I've lived it. I know it sounds crazy, but humans share this planet with other creatures -- vampires, witches, and daemons who hide in plain sight and are all around you. Creatures like me.
Phoebe: So, you're not a superhero, just an actual vampire. Funny because I didn't see a coffin in your apartment.
Marcus: Everything you think you know about it is human propaganda based on half truths, passed down and distorted through millennia, but we are real. We are everywhere.
Phoebe: You seriously believe this.
Marcus: I swear, I'm telling the truth.
Phoebe: Then I feel sorry for you. I think you need help.

Baldwin: I am Philippe's only surviving blood son. I should be Grand Master. Matthew is using you to get to me.
Marcus: You're wrong. He trusts me to make a difference.
Baldwin: He's been lying to you your whole life.
Marcus: What's that supposed to mean?
Baldwin: Marcus, you don't want to be saddled with this. Just turn the Knights over to me, and you can go on living among the humans. They're the people you really care about. It wouldn't be an abdication; you'd simply be doing the right thing. Step out of Matthew's shadow. He doesn't deserve your loyalty.

Ysabeau: Why would you reveal your true self to a human?
Marcus: I had to. I wanted to.
Ysabeau: Well, now you'll have to kill her.
Marcus: She won't tell anyone. She thinks I'm a headcase.
Ysabeau: Saved by a lack of imagination. Nevertheless, Matthew appointed you Grand Master of the Knights to protect our family's position, not undermine it.
Marcus: I didn't ask for any of this.
Ysabeau: The Grand Master can't be reckless. You need to understand your new responsibilities.

Marcus: The Knights did amazing things a long time ago. What's their relevance today? Are they doing right now?
Ysabeau: You're Grand Master. That's for you to decide.
Marcus: If I'm in charge, I want to shake things up, use the Knights to make a real difference. We should be looking foward, not backward.
Ysabeau: Don't tear down the establishment without finding out how it was built or understanding its principles.
Marcus: Baldwin wants the Knights to badly.
Ysabeau: He always has. He needs to feel close to his father.

A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Phoebe: So, is there anything else i can help you with?
Marcus: You can come to dinner.
Phoebe: I don't even know you.
Marcus: Come on. I don't bite.

Marcus: If the baby does turn out to be a witch, you're going to need protection from the Congregation.
Nathanial: Screw the Congregation. Aren't we breaking the covenant already by living with a vampire?
Agatha: Daemons giving birth to witches would be unheard of. Sophie's birth may have gone unnoticed, but the granddaughter of a Congregation member would not.