Athena: Handsome couple. Do you know them?
Bobby: I killed her.

Bobby: When I think about that night, I always count the bodies. The lives lost. But I never counted the survivors. The people left behind.
Athena: You were battling your own grief.
Bobby: Step nine. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible. I need to make amends.

Bobby: I love you.
Athena: I love you, too. But you’re not the same man you were ten years ago.
Bobby: I don’t think that matters to him.
Athena: I need that to matter to you.

Bobby: I just needed you to know I heard everything you said.
Amir: Thank you. I feel seen. Of course I always feel seen, mostly because people are always staring at me.

Amir: Man, I don’t know what’s worse. Dying out here in the shade or letting your ass save me.
Bobby: Well, given where things are at, there’s a pretty good chance I’ll fail.
Amir: Now you’re just trying to cheer me up.

9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

Bobby: When I think about that night, I always count the bodies. The lives lost. But I never counted the survivors. The people left behind.
Athena: You were battling your own grief.
Bobby: Step nine. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible. I need to make amends.

Athena: Handsome couple. Do you know them?
Bobby: I killed her.