Lu: How about the uh, bladders of water that are surrounding the ship?
Ram: Through the walls?
Misha: Yeah, absolutely not.
Kwesi: Why? Why can't we?
Misha: Because it's impossible.
Emma: I'll get on it with Ground. The impossible's where we're at.

Freddie: Okay, but how do we deal with the impossible problem of getting water out of the hull in 2.7-kelvin temperatures?
Matt: That's why you joined NASA, isn't it? To solve impossible problems?

Hey, I suppose that's the one good thing about not letting people get too close to you. You can't destroy any lives if you die.


Lex: Everyone keeps telling me to have faith and keep hoping. But what happens if my mom does die? What will it feel like?
Isaac: It's pretty much the worst thing you'll go through in your life. Nothing will make sense. You'll be pissed off. Sometimes you won't even know if you wanna keep living.
Lex: Yeah. That's pretty much what I thought it'd be like.
Isaac: But it does get better.
Lex: Really?
Isaac: But then that kinda messes you up even more, 'cause in a way, you want it to keep hurting. At least if it hurts, you're not forgetting them. It really sucks when you start to forget them.

Emma: I'm scared I'm never gonna see you guys again.
Matt: Don't think like that.
Emma: But I do, I can't help it. Misha said you can't have both -- family and the mission. That you have to leave something behind in order to survive.

Misha: It sucks not to be able to go out there with you.
Emma: Next time, Misha.
Misha: No. No, I already had my last spacewalk.
Emma: If it was your last, I'm honored that I got to be the one to walk it with you.
Misha: Thank you, Emmashska. I cannot think of any better astronaut to take my place.

When I was a kid, my mom used to say that, "Whenever you're down, look up. It'll make you realize just how big and beautiful the world is."


It was worth it.


You know, I used to think that if my life ended in sacrifice for something great, something bigger than myself, for my country, science, history... it would be the epitome of a life well-lived.


AWAY Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Freddie: Okay, but how do we deal with the impossible problem of getting water out of the hull in 2.7-kelvin temperatures?
Matt: That's why you joined NASA, isn't it? To solve impossible problems?

Lu: How about the uh, bladders of water that are surrounding the ship?
Ram: Through the walls?
Misha: Yeah, absolutely not.
Kwesi: Why? Why can't we?
Misha: Because it's impossible.
Emma: I'll get on it with Ground. The impossible's where we're at.