M.K.: I couldn't find any wounds. There are some weird markings on his chest.
Bajie: His chest? Oh, shit.
M.K.: What?
Bajie: The bruises. Cyan must have attacked him with the 5 poisons.
M.K.: The what?
Bajie: The 5 poisons-The Hand of the 5 Poisons. That's one of the abbot's deadliest techniques. What are they teaching you?
M.K.: So, what can we do?
Bajie: Nothing. There's nothing we can do. Look: this one's already affecting his brain. Liver, kidney, lungs are next, then the heart. He'll be lucky if he lasts the day.

M.K.: You're just angry because you know this is the right thing to do.
Bajie: Every time I try to do the right thing, I end up tits deep in shit. And I do NOT like having shitty tits.

Jade: I thought you didn't kill women.
The Widow: You're right: I don't, but he might.
Quinn: Always good to see you, Jade.

An escort of my men will take her [Jade] to the border, and then she's on her own. Let her suffer what miseries she's given to others.

Quinn [to The Widow]

Welcome home, Bajie.

The Master

M.K.: Any ideas?
Bajie: Cut the novices: they'll attack the abbots.

Sunny: Where are you going?
Veil: I'm taking Henry away from here-away from you.
Sunny: What? Why?
Veil: Sunny, I don't know what's going on. Why would you give him that sword? The cuts on his back. The dead pigs-wolves did not line them up like that.

Sunny: Where's my son? What did you do to him?
Artemis: What did I do?
Sunny: You made him kill his mother.
Artemis: That wasn't my fault-it's yours. Do you know why you can never have the life you want? This dream? All this time, you've been so worried the threat would come from outside, but it's been inside you all along. And now, it's in your son.
Sunny: Where's Henry?
Artemis: He will become you, and that will be your legacy.

Into the Badlands Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

M.K.: You're just angry because you know this is the right thing to do.
Bajie: Every time I try to do the right thing, I end up tits deep in shit. And I do NOT like having shitty tits.

M.K.: I couldn't find any wounds. There are some weird markings on his chest.
Bajie: His chest? Oh, shit.
M.K.: What?
Bajie: The bruises. Cyan must have attacked him with the 5 poisons.
M.K.: The what?
Bajie: The 5 poisons-The Hand of the 5 Poisons. That's one of the abbot's deadliest techniques. What are they teaching you?
M.K.: So, what can we do?
Bajie: Nothing. There's nothing we can do. Look: this one's already affecting his brain. Liver, kidney, lungs are next, then the heart. He'll be lucky if he lasts the day.