My first love was never Eve. It was you, Chloe. It always has been.

What Lucifer and I have is special. It’s real, and it doesn’t matter how many lies you tell me. I will never lose faith in me and him.


Just like Lucifer can’t create desires, I can’t create fears. I just expose what’s already there and, girl, you reek of fear.


Lucifer: Let me get this straight. I just spent millennia down there diligently doing everything He asked without complaint, and you have one sleepover in Hell and Dad tells you your watch is over?
Amenadiel: You know dad works in—
Lucifer: If you finish that sentence, I will punch you in your “mysterious ways.”

Amenadiel: There’s no better place for this little angel than right here, strapped to me.
Linda: Amenadiel, when’s the last time you put Charlie down?
Amenadiel: It’s not that long, 15, 16 hours, maybe?

Ella: God, just when I thought I’d found a good guy.
Pete: I am a good guy.
Ella: Yeah, except for the whole, you know, killing people part.
Pete: Exactly. Everyone has flaws.

Dan: Listen, thank you so much for watching Trixie. It’s just for a little bit.
Trixie: And I’ve been dying to see the baby.
Linda: Yeah, no of course. You know, Charlie’s just so good with children.

Chloe: Maze, is that blood?
Maze: Don’t worry about it.

Ella: I mean, how long did it take Lucifer to say, “I love you?”
Chloe: Uh… well, every relationship is different. You know, you probably shouldn’t compare yourself to others.

Lux is under new management, which means new rules. No one sells drugs in my place… without me getting a piece of the action.


Burnt coffee and body odor never smelled so good.

The ring reminds me that I don’t need Adam or his family, that I don’t need anybody.
