Wade: You’re going to block off the mountain?
Matt: If we can, yes.
Wade: I’m sorry, I have a question. We have no money for a medical clinic, but we got, like, a zillion dollars to spend on a 20 mile fence around Shay Mountain?

G’win: I’m Gwinveer - the brenin, who speaks for you?
Margan: I do. I’m Margan… the red kenna. We come from the shadowside of this mountain. Our water has gone black - tainted by the lowlanders road building.

Bury it halfway down the mountain. He never was really one of us.


What the fuck are you doing here, dumbass? You got chores to do. Get up those stairs.


Outsiders Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Wade: You’re going to block off the mountain?
Matt: If we can, yes.
Wade: I’m sorry, I have a question. We have no money for a medical clinic, but we got, like, a zillion dollars to spend on a 20 mile fence around Shay Mountain?

G’win: I’m Gwinveer - the brenin, who speaks for you?
Margan: I do. I’m Margan… the red kenna. We come from the shadowside of this mountain. Our water has gone black - tainted by the lowlanders road building.