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After being released from jail, Orson Leroux continues to harass Kristen under the guise of making amends.

He shows up to her house unannounced, calls her on the phone, files a false assault complaint with the police, and even breaks into her home, just to leave her a gift basket.

Kristen, in turn, upgrades her home security.

The episode ends with Mira telling Kristen someone murdered Orson, and the audience is left to wonder if it was Kristen.

The audience also grapples with the possibility that Kristen may be possessed by a demon.

Dr. Boggs asks Acosta, Kristen, and Ben to assess a patient of his -- a pregnant woman named Eleanor. The woman believes one of the twins she’s carrying is evil.

Their investigation leads to a fertility clinic called RSM Fertility where they discover a connection to some of their encounters throughout the season.

In addition, Kristen questions Lexis’ capacity for evil upon realizing that she also used that fertility clinic to conceive her daughter.

Acosta comes to believe psychopaths have somehow "corrupted" the fertilized eggs in an effort to poison the next generation.

Lastly, Kristen offers Sheryl an ultimatum -- either Townsend or her family. Sheryl chooses Townsend, and the pair become engaged.


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Evil Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

George: It’s George. Did I wake you?
Kristen: No, I was waiting for you.

Leroux: Hi Kristen. Just thought I’d drop by to say no hard feelings. I hope that we can still be friends and work out all the …
Kristen: Yes, hi, there’s a man on our street watching the schoolgirls, and I think he’s touching himself.
Leroux: Come on Kristen. I’m only here to make amends. It’s step nine.
Kristen: Let me look. I think it’s a Chevy, dark blue, license plate …
Leroux: Kristen, this is a mistake. I’m not your enemy.
Kristen: It’s a New York plate. It starts with AOC. Hold on, I think he’s leaving.
Leroux: I came here to make peace. I found God. You reap what you sow.
Kristen: You go sow it somewhere else.