Mayim Bialik and Jim Parsons Return - Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 14
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27 days after the funeral, Mary insists the kids go to church with her even though they don't want to. Adult Sheldon claims that he was always doing things to make other people happy...

...and suddenly we're in his study where Amy wants to know when he's ever done anything to make others happy? He even Zoomed into a meeting while she was in labor. She says she wishes she knew what was wrong with his brain and threatens to use a buzz saw to examine it. She leaves and Sheldon says to himself that even after all these years the passion is still there.

In church, when it's time for silent prayer, Sheldon takes a laptop out of his bag. Missy wants to play games on it. Mary tells them both to stop and for Sheldon to put it away. Pastor Jeff notices and asks Sheldon if he thinks that's appropriate for church. Sheldon says it's a miracle of technology.

In the present, Sheldon wants to show Amy the laptop. She wants him to get ready for their son's hockey game (apparently he's named after Leonard.) Sheldon doesn't like hockey and wishes they'd waited until they could clone kids before they had any but Amy tells him he is going with her, period, and is nonplussed by his fake cough.

In the past, Meemaw tells Dale she's worried about Mary being so into church and pushing her kids away when they need her. Dale suggests the kids learn to play guitar. Meemaw is not impressed with this suggestion.

At dinner, Sheldon doesn't like it that Mary has set a place for George. He doesn't believe in spirits and says that if they exist they cannot call dibs on furniture. Missy tells him to shut up. Georgie says he will sit in the seat but it fells wrong and he can't do it. Mary announces that Sheldon and Missy have to get baptized. Neither one wants to but she doesn't care. Georgie says he did it. Missy says he tried to kiss a girl in the tub and she punched hm. Mandy wants to know who Georgie doesn't want to discuss it but Sheldon blurts out the girl's name and that she looked like Mandy but taller.

Mandy finds Missy sitting around and suggests they do something fun.

Georgie finds Mary crying outside. She gets mad that he isn't taking this baptism idea seriously. He calls Meemaw.

Sheldon packs his things to go to CalTech. Mary wants him to get baptized first. He says it's a silly superstition he doesn't believe in.

Mandy takes Missy out driving but Missy is annoyed that Mandy keeps apologizing and also that she thinks Mary is going through a hard time too.

Mary goes to George's grave. So does Meemaw, who tries to convince her to stop praying and be there for her kids. Mary says she has to protect their souls.

Missy comes into Sheldon's empty room. She feels like everything is different now. Sheldon tells her change is terrible. Meemaw comes in and makes them sit down. She tells them they have to get baptized for Mary's sake. They finally agree.

Hower on baptism day, Missy gets angry that Pastor Jeff says he's sorry for her loss and storms out Sheldon agrees to be baptized because he belies in his mom.

In the present, Amy has read this part. She is shocked that Sheldon did something nice for his mom like that. Sheldon realizes that his parents supported him as best as they could even though they didn't understand him. Amy gets him to see he should go to his son's hockey game.

The adult Sheldon recalls that eventually his mother did sell the house and his dad's chair was gone and his spot was gone and the place where they ate together was gone.

The young Sheldon looks around one last time so he will remember when he's older.

Sheldon arrives at Cal Tech and a professor asks if he's lost. He says he's exactly where he's supposed to be. He walks off happily as the credits roll for the final time.

Young Sheldon
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Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 14 Quotes

Mary: Hurry up. We gotta get ready to go to church.
Sheldon: We already went Wednesday and Thursday. Isn't that enough?
Mary: Jesus died for you. Did He ask if that was enough?

Amy: We should get ready.
Sheldon: Want to see something neat?
Amy: Is it you starting to get ready for your son's hockey game? Because that would be neat.