Colin: But I do know this. Miss Cowper still hangs over us. And as long as you live with this secret... there will always be something between us.
Penelope: I know. Perhaps that is the key.

Penelope: What will this marriage be?
Colin: That depends. I noticed there was no Whistledown this morning. Are you going to stop publishing?
Penelope: I... I do not know.
Colin: Let us get through this wedding and then we will decide what this marriage will be.

Colin: How long have you known? I saw you leaving a private room with Penelope last night shortly before I found her.
Eloise: I had been trying to make her tell you.
Colin: You should've told me yourself.
Eloise: And you should've told me you were in love with my best friend before you tripped into the drawing room engaged!

With one issue, I can discredit Cressida.
It is not just gossip.
Whistledown is power.


Penelope: What about my dreams?
Lady Featherington: What dreams? Ladies do not have dreams. They have husbands.
And if you are lucky and you fulfill your role, sometimes what you wish for may come true... through him.

Lady Mondrich: "A product of spring..."
Surely a flower of some kind.
Anthony: Lilies. Forget-me-not. Lilacs!!

  • Permalink: Lilacs!!
  • Added:

Francesca: Lord Kilmartin, you must tell them the amusing story you were telling me the other day, about the boots.
Lord Kilmartin: Ah, yes. The boots.
Well, there was, uh... there was mud... a great deal of mud on them.
Francesca: Shall we get some refreshment?

Lady Featherington: And you've thrown that away to play out, what?
A fancy on the neighbor boy, who happens to be the most desired man of the season?
Penelope: I do not think it's unreasonable. Colin cares for me.
Lady Featherington: Has he told you that he loves you?
Penelope: Not in... those exact words.
Lady Featherington: Oh, Penelope.

To live at the whim of either the most cruel or the most simple person I know...
I must take a husband before that happens.
It is time.


I do not wish to die without ever having been kissed.


A life unmarried is not all bad.
Trust me, men can often cause much more trouble than they are worth.

Lady Featherington

It is only a shame... that you might miss the fruits of your labors.
I hear Penelope may be getting a proposal tonight.

Lady Bridgerton

Bridgerton Quotes

My stories from abroad are not suitable for such tender young ladies.
Were I to tell you even the tiniest adventure, well,
I'd be forced to marry you.


To live at the whim of either the most cruel or the most simple person I know...
I must take a husband before that happens.
It is time.
