How I Met Your Mother News

17 Shows With the Most Iconic Bars Ever

17 Shows With the Most Iconic Bars Ever

On most shows, the characters are the most memorable. What about where the characters hang out, drink a beer or go on a date? Here's our list of 17 shows with iconic bars.
Posted in: Listicles

How I Met Your Mother Details

How I Met Your Mother is a series of stories told by a future Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) to his son and daughter about the events that led up to him meeting their mother. 

The other main characters in the show include Ted's best friend, Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) and his wife Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan), his ex-girlfriend Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders), and his wingman, Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris).

Number of Episodes
Start Date
Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson Hannigan

HIMYM Quotes

Barney: Lesson one, lose the goatee, it doesn't go with your suit.
Ted: I'm not wearing a suit.
Barney: Lesson two, get a suit. Suits are cool, exhibit A. [points to his own suit] Lesson three, don't even think about getting married til you're thirty.

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